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Four years later. The year is 2042. We see the UN Victory Parade in Washington DC. In the crowd of people we see a 25 year old Andrew with his nieces and nephews. He looks to his right seeing his wife Harriet Bree Towson with his other nieces and nephews and the Fernandes kids.

"These guys sure do have energy." Harriet said as some of the kids started jumping. "And I hope this kid starts kicking." Andrew said as he rubbed Harriet's pregnant belly making her smile.

"After all. The kids want to see their parents in the parade." He added since all 250 Marines in 235th Papa Company are in the parade as War Heros. The same for Sienna, Ironwood, Teams RWBY, JNPR, CFVY and SSSN. "Look, here they come now!" Andrew said to the kids.

As the parade began, the sound of cheering and clapping filled the air as the first group of War Heroes marched down the street. Andrew lifted his nieces and nephews onto his shoulders so they could get a better view. They all wore small American flags on their shirts and waved them proudly.

As the parade continued, more and more troops and heroes marched by, including Ironwood and his soldiers, RWBY and JNPR, CFVY, and SSSN. The crowd cheered and applauded each group as they went by, thanking them for their service and sacrifice.

Finally, at the end of the parade, a group of UN leaders, including the Secretary General, walked by, waving to the crowd. Andrew noticed a familiar face among them - his old commanding officer, General Wilson. He was now the head of the UN's military forces of Vale.

As the parade came to an end, Andrew and Harriet gathered their nieces and nephews, who were exhausted from all the excitement. "That was amazing!" one of them said, still waving their flag.

"Yes, it was," Andrew agreed, looking up at the clear blue sky. "And it's all thanks to the sacrifices of those who came before us."

Andrew, Harriet and the kids meet up with the 235th Papa Company and Sienna, Ironwood, Teams RWBY, JNPR, CFVY and SSSN. The kids of their respected parents then ran up to them and hug them.

As the kids ran up to their parents, the marines, huntsmen and huntresses knelt down to embrace their children. There were tears of joy and laughter as they reunited after the long parade.

Andrew and Harriet joined in, hugging their nieces and nephews tightly. Sienna hugged her children and David, and Ironwood hugged his son.

It was a heartwarming moment to see the families come together and celebrate the end of the war. As they walked together towards a nearby park for a family picnic, Andrew looked around and felt grateful for the peace they have achieved. It was a long and difficult journey, but they made it through together.

A couple weeks later, we see Igor Lev who has a burn scar over his left eye and is wearing an eyepatch is seen walking in his house in Moscow, Russia after working at the UN base.

We also see five of his children running up to him. The oldest of the five is a 5 year old girl with white and ice blue eyes. And rest of the siblings are 3 years old girls with Cat faunus ears.

Igor smiles as he sees his children and kneels down to their level. "Hey there, my little ones," he says, ruffling their hair. "How was your day today?" The children excitedly tell him about their day, while Igor listens attentively, occasionally chiming in with a word of encouragement or praise. After they finish, he stands up and walks into the kitchen, where his wife Kira is preparing dinner. "How was your day, dear?" he asks her, giving her a quick peck on the cheek. Kira smiles and tells him about her day at work.

Igor then looks at a picture of him and Winter when she gave birth to his oldest daughter.

Igor still remembers how he had to choose between marrying Winter or become a single father.

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