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Red woke up, her face dripping with sweat. She felt sick to her stomach. Another bad nightmare. Another one with Herobrine in it. Why did he keep saying she had powers? She didn't!..Did she?

She got out of bed and stumbled out of the room and down the stairs. She got to the sink and grabbed a glass out of the cupboard. She filled it up and gulped the whole drink down in one go. Red slumped down against the wall. These nightmares were so horrible. Worse than she had ever had them before. After what seemed like hours, she summoned the strength to get up and go back to bed. She didn't have anymore nightmares that night.

The next day

Yellow was the first to come downstairs. He was always the first to make his morning coffee. After about ten minutes, Green came downstairs and yawned.

"Oh! Hey Yellow!" Said Green.

"Hi!" Yellow said.

Eventually, SC and Blue came down, but still no Red.

"Hey do you guys know where Red is?" Asked Yellow.

"No, I haven't seen her." Said Blue, looking at the others.

"No me neither." Said Green.

"She probably just stayed up late. I'll go check on her." Said SC, getting up from the table and going upstairs.

He knocked softly on the door.

"Hey, Red? You awake?" He asked.

No answer.

"Red?" He asked again.

"Yeah?" A rasped voice said from inside the room.

"Can I come in?" SC asked.


SC opened the door and saw Red sitting down at her desk, head in her hands.

"You ok?" SC asked, coming over to Red.

"Yeah, just had a late night." Red said, smiling slightly at SC and standing up to hug him.

They hugged for a while, and then went downstairs together.

"Look whose finally up!" Green exclaimed as she saw Red and SC.

"Ha, yeah late night." Red said, smiling and coming down to sit at the table. 

She wasn't going to let anyone know she had another nightmare. Only SC had known about the other one she had had of these, but she couldn't tell him she had another one. It would worry him to much. She didn't want to do that to him. Just then, she had an idea.

"Uh, I think I'm gonna go see our monster friends today." She said.

"Oh cool, we'll come with!" Said SC.

"No honestly, I'm only going to be there for an hour or so, so it's kind of pointless if you guys come along." She insisted.

"Alright then, be safe!" SC said.

"Thanks guys! See you later."

Red smiled at all of them and left the house. She travelled to the monster school, and went into the courtyard.  As she was walking around, she saw Pearl(the enderman), Skelly(the skeleton), and Webbs(the spider). 

"Hey you guys!" She shouted, coming over to them.

"Oh hey Red! What are you doing here?" Asked Pearl.

"Oh, um...I'm here to talk to Herobrine, do you know where he is?" Asked Red.

"I think he's in his office." Said Webbs.

"Alright thanks! See you guys later!" 

"Bye!" They all called out as she walked away.

She walked into the building and every monster fell silent as she walked by. She smiled slightly as she saw their faces. It was quite funny. Red walked down the corridor and finally came to Herobrine's office. She didn't bother to knock and just opened the door. Herobrine was in there and looked up in shock at the sudden creak of the door.

"What do you wa-oh! Red, what can I do for you?" Asked Herobrine, suddenly realising who had burst in.

"Uh...could I talk to you for a second?" Red said hesitantly.

"Um, sure?" Said Herobrine, gesturing to a chair opposite him.

Red sat down and said nothing for a couple of minutes. Herobrine said nothing either, but just waited.

"I...I've been having these...these dreams."

Herobrine lifted his head.


"I've been having these dreams." Red repeated.

"What kind of dreams?" Herobrine asked, his voice getting more serious.

"I...I keep seeing you in them, but your eyes were black and you kept saying that I had powers and visions and that I was going to destroy my friends. I wake up dripping with sweat, and I either throw up, or feel like I'm going to throw up..." Red explained.

Herobrine's eyes widened.

"Oh no..."

"What's wrong?" Red asked, seeing Herobrine's worried expression.

"It's started."

Oop. Thank you for reading the first chapter of my new story! Love u guys<33

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