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(Warning: Swearing, Blood)

SC, Orange, Crimson and Red all ran off to find the others. They found the Greens and Purples first, healing up their wounds from the virabot.

"Guys!" Crimson shouted, running over to them.

Violet was on the floor, his breathing ragged. The others saw a bleeding stab wound in his chest and gasped.

"Do you guys have healing potions!? We're all out!" Said Lime desperately, looking at them all in fear.

"No, we didn't bring any with us!" Said Orange. "Put your hands over the wound and stop the bleeding!" 

Lime put her hands over the wound like he said, but Violet was fading fast.

Red knelt down beside him and took a deep breath, taking Lime's hand off the wound and hovering hers over the wound. Her eyes went white again, and a glowing ring appeared on the palm of her hand, which floated down onto the wound. The disappearing code came back, and the cut shrunk and shrunk, Red's hand still on the wound. The cut finally disappeared, and Red's eyes returned to normal, putting her hands on the ground for support, all the energy gone from inside her.

Violet sat up, and everyone looked at Red in disbelief. 

"How did you..." Violet asked, his voice trailing off.

"I don't know." She said simply, wincing as she got up.

"You ok?" SC asked.

"Yeah...I just don't think I'll be able to use my powers for a while, I get really drained when I use them." Red said.

"No that's fine, you've done more than enough, now let's go." Said Orange, nodding at the others and they all walked off together to find the Yellows and Blues.

They found them eventually in a forest grove, about 1000 people if not more in the cover of the trees. Yellow was healing an old woman, Blue was tending to 3 children, and Ocean and Sunny were making more healing potions. Yellow noticed the others walking towards him and called out to them.

"Guys! You're okay!" 

They came over and checked if they were okay, and as they were discussing,(big harry potter reference here lol) a scream was heard in the crowd, and the CGs all swerved round to see a small stick, about 8yrs old, covering their ears with their hands, mouth wide open.

Then another scream was heard the opposite direction, and it was a middle aged stick, also doing the same thing as the kid. Suddenly, a voice echoed in everyone's ears.

The voice said, "Look at you all. Sick, injured, dead. This does not need to go on. Bring me the Colour Gangs, and I will repair everything that my accomplice has destroyed. Bring me these people, and you will all be out of danger. You have 1 hour." 

The voice faded away, and the CGs all knew that it had been Herobrine speaking. All the sticks around them looked at them all with weird looks, and an ominous silence loomed over everyone. Red stepped up on a rock, and everyone in the area turned to her.

"That voice in your head is a liar! I know him well, and there is no way in hell he will repair this city, he has destroyed hundreds upon hundreds of websites, and this is just another one of them. You turn us in, you all die! Your children, everything you have worked for, your life, your homes...all gone." She said, looking at all the sticks around solemnly.

"How do we know your not the liar!?" A random stick from the crowd shouted.

"Because this entity has possessed me twice, and I know him better than he knows you have to trust me if you want to save everything. Please...if you turn us in now, we can't fight him, and it all goes to shit." Red said, almost shouting at the stick in anger.

The crowd all looked flabbergasted, like Red expected. She got off the rock and went back over to the others.

"We have to fight them. Now."

Thx for reading this part!  Love u guys<33

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