Gearing Up

176 11 3

Warning: Swearing

"I mean I guess we can go in 2 chains now, SC's group with Chosen, and I'll have mine." Orange said.

"Alright, let's go." Chosen said.

They travelled back to the base and gave Chosen a full tour. After that, they all started talking about what they were going to do for weapons.

"I don't know what we should do, Herobrine didn't tell us anything about a weapons room." Said Green. 

They all fell silent as Green said this. None of them knew where to get weapons, and that's what they needed to fight the duo. Nobody said anything more, and they all went and did their own thing. They all just needed to clear their heads. 

"I think I'm going to take a nap. I'll see you later." Said Red, smiling a bit at SC and walking to her room. 

"Alright see you later." SC said.

Red went into her room and laid down on her bed. Slowly, she closed her eyes, and fell asleep. After only a couple of minutes, something interrupted her peaceful dream. Her mind kind of glitched, and she switched to the image of Herobrine. He was just standing, looking straight at her.

"What do you want?" Asked Red coldly.

"You wanna know where some weapons are, don't you?" Said Herobrine.

"How the fuck did you...oh yeah of course, you control my whole fucking life don't you?"  Red said sarcastically.

"Red, I don't control your life, and if you really want to find weapons, and defeat the hell that's coming, then you have to listen to me." Herobrine said.

"Ugh, fine." Red said walking over to Herobrine.

"Alright, you already know that Orange, Chosen, SC, and you have powers, but you have to find the secret room in the house, which is somewhere in the living room. You find that, your ready to fight." Herobrine explained.

"Ok, but where is the secret room?"

"Red, I can't tell you...sorry."

Red stared at him in disbelief. 

"You know what Herobrine? I am so sick of you, and your powers, and your endless mindgames. I am so sick of you, controlling everything that I do. Get out of my life Herobrine, and stay out." She said, angry tears welling in her eyes, and she walked off.

After only a couple of steps, she woke up from the nightmare, breathing heavily and sweat drenched the bed, once again. She groaned as she felt sick to her stomach. Why was this so hard to do? Why was it all on her? She just felt that something was going to go so wrong, and she hated it. She didn't exactly want to lay back in the pool of sweat that had soaked her bed, so she just purposely fell out of bed and laid on the floor. She never wanted to fall asleep again. Red sat there for a while, and looked at her hands. When she stared hard enough, a little spark of black fizzed and crackled in her hand. Red jumped in shock and held her hand. Then she decided to try again. She channelled all her energy into her hands, and a large ball of black fire appeared in each of her hands. She looked at it in fascination, and the black morphed into white. She smiled and swiped her hand away. How did she know she could do that? Then Red realised something. It had been black, the colour of the other Herobrine's eyes. The evil Herobrine. She still felt like crap, but Red managed to get up and got to the door. Everyone was in the living room art from Yellow and Sunny who were working on the computer in Yellow's room. SC looked up from the book he was reading, and said, "That wasn't a very long nap."

"How long was I out for?" Asked Red, sitting down next to him. 

"Only about 10 minutes, did anything happen?" SC said, taking Red's hand and looking at her.

Red didn't know if she should tell him. Red didn't want to make him worry again. But then again, they needed the weapons, so if Herobrine and been telling the truth, she needed to tell them.

"Uh...yeah, actually something did happen." She said, rubbing SC hand with her thumb and getting up. The first place she would look was the bookcase. She started pulling out books after books but to no avail. Everyone just stared at her in shock and complete confusion. 

"Red...what are you doing?" Asked Violet.

"Thought you would've guessed by now." She said, clearing the bookcase and moving onto a small side table. The others caught on and started looking with her. After hours of searching, they almost all gave up. Red and SC persisted, and finally, as Red was feeling the wall of a wardrobe, she found a little dent in the wallpaper and she pressed on it, a small click echoing in her mind. A low rumbling sound shook the room, and the bookcase opened up to reveal a giant room, blue, black and white, digitalised and modern, a complete contrast to the old wooden theme of the rest of the house. The ceiling was surprisingly tall, as they weren't that far underground. They saw 12 sets of armour, all coloured to their appropriate stick. There were weapons placed on walls, most of which none of them had ever seen before. 


Thanks for reading this part! I can't believe that my oneshot book is almost at 500 reads, tysm guys! (If you want more vids like the one at the top lemme know) Love u guys<33

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