Fight Like There's No Tomorrow

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(Warning: Swearing, blood)

The group carried on through and out of the woods, going out into the city again. It looked even more devastated than before, and they all saw Dark and Herobrine sitting high above them on tall skyscraper, staring down at them all. 


"MY PLEASURE!" Dark shouted back, flying down fast, straight towards Chosen. Chosen's eyes became lasers and Dark dodged the deadly red lines. Chosen flew off fighting with Dark, and they all turned to each other.

"Ok, we don't have much time, but Green, Yellow, Red, Blue, Purple and me will go and find Chosen and help him, you guys have to deal with Herobrine." Said Orange.

"Wait what, why can't I take my team?" Asked SC.

"We need to, if we don't then we can't unite as a team altogether, and we're all screwed." Orange replied.

"You really think now is the time for team building?!" Green said.

"I'm saying that to defeat both of them we have to fully work together. Now come on guys. Let's go." Orange said urgently.

The others hesitantly nodded and the two separated teams walked in opposite directions.

"Remember our promise, ok? I'll protect you, you protect me, even if we're fighting in different places." Red said to SC.

"Of course I will, I'll see you soon, promise." SC said, smiling and hugging her.

They both smiled at each other, and the teams went separate ways. 

The original CG and Orange all went in the direction that Chosen and Dark had gone, and eventually found them both, fighting on a falling skyscraper.

"That's coming towards us, isn't it?" Said Purple, staring at the falling skyscraper coming towards them.

"Yeah...RUN!!!!!!!!!!!" Shouted Yellow, turning on his heel and sprinting off, the others close behind.

The skyscraper crashed onto the ground, closer and closer to the running sticks until it finally came to an end, glass flying everywhere. They all ducked under a bush, the glass shards narrowly missing them all, except Red who caught a piece on her arm and cheek, and Blue who accidentally stepped on a bit, a small cut forming on his foot.

"Oh shit! Are you guys ok?" Asked Green.

"Yeah, I'm fine, let's go and fight Dark." Red said, getting up and swiping the blood away from her cheek and walking off.

The others followed, and they eventually found Dark on the ground, Chosen standing over him, eyes red and flaming. The CG had never seen Chosen that anger before. He was screaming at the almost unconscious Dark, punching him in the face continuously, despite the fact that Chosen had literal shards of glass sticking into him all throughout his body, blood gushing out of the cuts. The others just stared in shock as he attacked Dark. Red snapped out of it and ran over to Chosen, putting her arms out in front of Chosen, causing him to stop.

"Red...get out of my way..." Chosen said menacingly, blood dripping down his face.

"Chosen, I get it. Your angry, really angry and I am to...but look at him." Red said, gesturing to Dark on the floor. "He doesn't exactly look like he was always alive."

"What are you saying?" Chosen said, his voice softening a little.

"I'm saying that he probably was dead from last time and Herobrine brought him back, that's why he's so glitched. He's not at peace and he's probably in just put him out of his misery...painlessly, I guess?" She said, looking at Chosen with an earnest expression.

Chosen was quiet for a minute or so, and then spoke.

"Your right...ok." He said, his eyes going black again.

He knelt down beside Dark and put his hand on Dark's head. A soft red glow appeared on Dark's head, and Chosen said, "Goodbye...old friend." 

Dark let out a deep breath, and then...silence.

The other sticks looked at Dark's lifeless body in relief and disbelief. He was finally gone. Forever. 

Red and Chosen walked back to the others, not saying anything until Orange spoke.

"We have to go find the others now, everyone ready?" He asked.

They all looked to each other and nodded, heading back to the others, ready to end this war.

Thx for reading this part! (Not me crying over what's about to happen in the next part) Love u guys<33

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