The Hidden Base

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Yellow woke up and light flooded his vision. He stood up and rubbed his eyes, looking around him. He was in a forest clearing, and he saw the others behind him. He ran over, and Blue saw him. "Yellow!" He exclaimed, running over to Yellow and hugging him. They came back over to the group, and everyone introduced themselves. Right off the bat, the original CG realised that the other group were more solemn. The other SC had wristbands like the Dark Lord, but they were green and black instead, hence the green blade he had used earlier. The other Red had a rifle strapped to her back, and a big scar across the side of her face. The other Green had a belt of weapons around her waist, same with the other Blue except he had filled his up with potions, and the other Yellow had a small backpack, and lots of pockets. 

"So, where is this secret base of yours?" The other SC asked Herobrine.

"Follow me." Herobrine said, and he walked off, the others following. The came to a tree right at the edge of the clearing. Herobrine felt the tree, fumbling around with the branches until one of them clicked, and the base of the tree opened out and a flight f stairs leading down into the dark.

"Jesus christ..." Said the other Blue.

Herobrine said nothing and walked down the stairs to the darkness, an the others followed once again. When they got to what seemed to be the bottom of the stairs, a light came on, and they could see their surroundings. It was a luxurious large room, with a living space, mini kitchen, and rooms leading off of it. 

"Holy crap!" SC exclaimed. 

They all took a tour of the base, and it was so big. There were 6 bedrooms in addition to the large room they saw at the start, and one bathroom. They all came back to the living room where Herobrine was waiting for them.

"I have to go now." Herobrine said.

"Wait what!?" The other Green said. "What are we supposed to do, just defeat Dark and Herobrine?!"

"I can't tell you how, it will ruin your chances of winning the battle that is coming, but I wish you guys all the best." Herobrine said, looking at them all.

"Well where are you going to go?" Other Red asked.

"I have to go back to the school and save anyone whose left, I know that Dark will be gone by now and back with the other Herobrine, so I have to go back to my students."

"Wait, so you are going to leave all of us, completely clueless on what we have to do to save everyone on the internet?" Red asked.

"I'm sorry you guys, I have to. I know you all can do this, goodbye." Herobrine said, nodding at all of them and turning on his heel back out of the base, shutting the trapdoor behind him.

Red stared at him in shock as he walked off. In a fit of rage, she grabbed a book of the bookshelf, and screamed, "UNBELIEVABLE!" and threw the book at the door Herobrine had just left from. She banged her fists into the wall, and put her head on it. "Ugh..."

The others were in absolute shock. They had never seen Red flip out like that, and the other CG were even more surprised. SC came over to Red and hugged her. He could tell she was just in pain, so she had become angry.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to freak out like that." Red said, hugging SC back and sighing.

"It's ok, Herobrine's not worth it." Said Green, coming over to hug her as well.

Everyone came over and put their arms around Red. After a minute or so, they all pulled away and sat down to talk about what was happening.

Thanks for reading this part! The vid at the top is once again by Allenia nelson lol. Love u guys<33

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