The Plan

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"So, I think we kinda need to properly introduce ourselves, and what happened to who." The other SC said. 

"Well, we thought our Dark was dead, but...obviously not!" SC said. "What about your Dark?"

"Our Dark is still alive, but he's not evil cause we had his memory wiped, so he's fine now." the Other Green said. 

"Yeah, and our Herobrine is trying to take over the internet, what's yours like? I know we only just saw him but he didn't exactly speak much." the other Purple said.

"He's...ok. He did do some bad things in the past, but I think he's alright now, I mean he did help us to safety, and he's changed." Blue said, being careful not to trigger any bad memories.

Red wanted to scream and say that he was no different then before, but then she'd have to explain what he had said to her, the prophecy...everything. She couldn't let that happen. The less she thought about it, the less she might have to do it.

"Well, now that that's out of the way, what do we call each other? We can't exactly keep calling each other the same name, it will get confusing." The other Red said.

"Well, we could call each other names thaat mean our colour, then we would know whose talking to who." the other Yellow suggested.

"Sounds good to me, but I am keeping my name thanks." Green said.

"Ugh, fine, I'll be Lime I guess." The other Green said.

"Yellow you could be called Sunny!" The other Purple said to the other Yellow.

"Ughhhhhhhhhh really!?" He exclaimed, then sighing in defeat.

"I'll be Ocean, it sounds nice." the other Blue said happily.

"OK, well don't call me anything stupid." Said the other SC.

"How about we just call you Orange? We can call SC...SC, and you can be Orange!" Said the other Red.

"Yeah, that's alright I guess, what will you be Red?" Orange asked.

"I dunno...what do you think Red?" the other Red asked, looking at Red.

"Umm...I mean I've always loved the colour Crimson..." Red said quietly.

"I like that, Crimson it is!" The other Red said.

"I'll be Violet, makes the most sense." Said the other Purple.

"Alright then, now that that's settled, we need to figure out what we have to do to beat them." Orange said.

"Your right, I-" Green started to say, before an ear splitting scream echoed in the room. It was Red, holding her head in agony. She was in unimaginable pain. She collapsed on the floor, still screaming, tears rolling down her face. SC knelt down beside her and hugged her trembling body. 

"Hey hey! What's wrong!? Red, Red?!" He shouted, pleading with her to snap out of it. "Help!" SC said, looking at the others in desperation. The Yellows and Blues ran over, trying to calm her down, but to no avail.

Red woke up and gasped. She wasn't in the base. She Alan's PC? She looked around and gasped as she saw Dark creeping around. She wasn't afraid, so she called out "Dark! What the hell are you doing?!" 

Dark didn't even turn around, nor did he say anything. Red looked at him in confusion. She walked a bit closer to him, and he still didn't take any notice. She mustered up the courage to run in front of him, but he still didn't take any notice! He was staring straight at her, or maybe...through her? 

"Hello?! Are you blind?" Red asked. 

Still no recognition whatsoever. Was she...not there? It suddenly clicked. She was seeing this in real time, but she wasn't actually there. But how? Of course, Herobrine! He was always at the bottom of these things. Why did he always have to ruin Red's life?! She couldn't exactly get back with the others, so she decided to follow Dark to see what he was up to. Dark looked around for a bit, checking the screen every now and again, probably making sure that Alan wasn't around. She kept following him, until finally, Dark stabbed the air with his blade and made a slit in the screen, going through the slit in the air and disappearing through it. Suddenly, Red's vision became blurry, and she blacked out.

Thanks for reading this parttttttt! Ummmm idk what else to put lol. Love u guys<33

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