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(Warning: Swearing, blood)

They all set off for stick city. Purple had an elytra on which he found in the weapons room, so they were able to have 3 chains this time. They finally got to the city, and it was a state. Sticks were running and screaming, fire engulfed buildings, fireballs rained down from the sky. The streets were cracked and messy, showered with debris. Helicopters were being shot down, and blood stained the walls. 

"Shit!" Said Yellow as he looked around.

"Ok, Yellow, Blue, Sunny, Ocean, you heal and get people to safety, there's a cover of trees nearby. Green, Lime, Purple, Violet, you guys focus on defence and covering for people as they get away. Chosen, Red, Crimson, SC, and I will fight Dark and Herobrine when we find them, and we'll probably need help later, so I'll use the flares to alert you guys when I need to." Said Orange.

They all nodded and set off in different directions. The Yellows and Blues started to heal the injured and the Greens and Purples were close by. Green looked around and saw a giant red spider. A virabot. 

"Fuck!" Shouted Purple as the virabot swiped at him, Purple narrowly dodging.  Green and Lime came in with their whips and slammed them down on one of the virabot's legs, causing it to squeal and charge at them all. Violet hit another one with his club and the virabot stumbled, but got back up and stabbed Green in the arm with it's claw. She cried out in pain as the claw seeped into her, but she quickly pulled it out and used her other arm to slap the creatures leg away with her whip. Purple ran over to her as she fell to the ground and Purple threw a potion of healing on her, the cut in her arm closing up. Purple helped her up and she thanked him, going back to Lime and Violet to continue the fight. Meanwhile, the Reds, SCs and Chosen were running around, fighting off various virabot variants and mutants and looking around for Dark or Herobrine. 

Suddenly, a evil cackle echoed across the city. Everyone swerved round and saw Dark high up in the sky. Chosen looked straight at him, and Dark noticed this.

"Ah, Chosen! I was beginning to think you were to scared to face me after last time! Let's finish this, shall we?" 

Chosen flew up to Dark, eyes red hot in anger, punching Dark hard in the face causing him to fall to the ground. The others were waiting for him, and started to charge at Dark. Crimson flung her sword at Dark and missed, but the sword came back like a boomerang, and she caught it in shock.

"This is sick!" She said.

Dark blasted fire at the 5 sticks, all of them running out of the way just in time. Dark flew up again, starting to fight Chosen up in the air.  The others couldn't do anything from where they were standing, so they had to just watch in anticipation.

Suddenly, Red felt a hot burning in her chest, and put her hand on it, the pain getting stronger. SC noticed this and turned to Red.

"Red? What's wrong?" SC asked.

"M-My feels really...tight...I can't breathe...I can't..." She said, her voice fading as the pain became almost unbearable, forcing Red to her knees.

SC crouched down with Red and held her. What could be happening to her? He whispered kind words to her, rubbing Red's back in hopes to help her breathe. A rush of hot blood burst through her, and the pain in her chest went all throughout her body. She struggled to speak as the pain got worse, and she had the sudden urge to look up. She summoned the strength to look up, and there...Red saw Herobrine. 

Oop! Tysm for reading this part! Love u guys<33

Credits for the vid: Allenia Nelson (on yt)

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