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Red groaned in pain as she saw the evil Herobrine, him flying slowly down towards her. She felt as if she was being ripped apart from the inside out as he got closer, screaming out in pain for him to stop. SC was in desperation as he held Red, shouting at Orange that Herobrine was coming. Orange blasted Herobrine with his emerald green laser eyes, but Herobrine swiped them away with a single wave of the hand. As he got closer and closer, Red's body had become numb, and the agony didn't even feel real anymore. Red's eyes went black and she stood up, shaking. The evil Herobrine smiled.

"Hm, what's the possession count now Red? Three?"

Red gritted her teeth. She was fighting against herself.

"I am never going to give into YOU." Said Red, clenching her fists as her eyes morphed into a pearly white. 

Herobrine stepped back a bit. White fire circled Herobrine, and he stared at Red, her eyes flaming white.

"You figured it out. You started learning about your powers! Impressive." Herobrine said, stepping out of the fire. 

Red's eyes returned to normal, and she nearly collapsed in exhaustion, but kept upright and stepped back with the others. Herobrine's eyes glowed white, and portals opened out in the ground, monsters of all kinds climbing out. 

"Holy crap..." Said Crimson as more and more monsters climbed out of the portals, starting to growl and screech as they skulked towards the group. They started fighting all of the monsters off one by one, Herobrine just there, watching the whole scene unfold before his eyes. 

They finally fought off every monster, and Herobrine walked towards them. 

"Hm, you guys are better than I thought, you've improved from the last time we met Orange, Red." He said looking at Crimson and Orange. He didn't know that they had changed their names.

They all ran for Herobrine, and he cloned himself, the entities charging for the group. Red ignored them and walked straight towards Herobrine.

"Fight yourself! COWARD." She said, pushing the entities out of the way as they tried to grab her.

"Fine then." Herobrine said, his eyes glowing white again, and white fire surrounding just him and Red. She pulled out her sword and the blade lit up in an ivory flame. She spun it around and darted at Herobrine, making a small cut in his face. 

The blood was black and it ran down his face. 

"I'll be right back sticks, there's just something I need to do first." Herobrine said, opening a portal on the ground and it swallowed him. 

"UGH!" Red cried out frustratedly, walking out of the white ring of fire. The others were waiting for her, as they had killed off all the clones.

"Red...since when did you...?" Asked SC.

"Since monster school. I can't control them and they aren't very powerful yet." She said.

"Well we have to go find the others, God knows what Herobrine's doing now, and we need the other's help." Said Orange, walking off with the others to go find the rest of the teams. 

Thx 4 reading this chapter! Love u guys<33

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