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(Warning: Blood, swearing, death | P.S Play the song as u read if u want it gives it more of a dramatic effect lol)

As the group were walking, they heard shouting and screaming.

"What was that?!" Said Blue nervously.

They all looked at each other with wide eyes, and sprinted towards the noise. They came to a large ruined street, and saw SC, Ocean, Sunny, Lime, Crimson, and Violet were all stepping back from Herobrine, who had clones slowly creeping towards them, their heads twisting and turning in a horrible way. 

"Se-!" Shouted Red, before being grabbed by a clone. It held her arms so she couldn't go to the others, who had also been caught.

She tried to get away, but the clone held on tight, its hands latched onto her arms.

"SECOND!" She shouted again.

SC turned his head and looked in shock as he saw everyone. Orange tried getting away from the clone as well, but his clone had clamped Orange's hands to the floor, which stopped him from using his powers. 

"Guys?" He said quietly.

"Ha! I guess your friends do care about you!" Said Herobrine, chuckling.

SC turned to Herobrine, his emerald eyes glinting in anger.

"You will never win, you know that?!" SC shouted.

"Silly child, you all know I've already won."

"We will never give in to you!" Shouted Lime.

"Oh, but you already have. Don't you see? I have you all right where I wanted you. Just according to plan."

SC, Crimson, Ocean, Sunny, Lime and Purple all looked at his menacing expression. What did he mean?

Suddenly, Herobrine's eyes glowed red and black and he put both his hands out towards the group of sticks in front of him.(If ur confused SC, Crimson, Ocean, Sunny, Lime and Purple are the ppl facing herobrine)

Orange looked at his team and shouted, "GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!!!" 

Before they could do anything, a black glowing orb appeared on Herobrine's hands, and as he was about to blast them, SC looked at Red and mouthed "I love you." 

"Goodbye sticks." Said Herobrine, blasting them with a black and red beam of light.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" Screamed Red, struggling to break free as the light covered the group in the distance. 

Orange broke free, all the energy building up inside him, and he flew over to Herobrine and let out a giant emerald green laser, blasting Herobrine into a million pieces. All the clones spawned out, and Red ran over to SC, who was on the floor, breathing heavily, black dust slowly creeping its way up his body. She crouched down beside him and stroked his forehead in comfort.

"Ssh, ssh, it's ok, I'm here, your going to be fine, ok?" Red said, rubbing his cold hand.

"Red..." He said, his voice trailing off as he looked at her, his eyes drooping every now and again.

"No no no no! Stay with me, ok? Your going to be ok, your going to be alright!" She said, tears welling in her eyes.

"Red...it's ok. I love you...and I'll never stop...but you have to let me go." SC said, smiling as he gently squeezed her hand.

"Sec...I can't do this without you, please..." She said, tears falling down her cheeks. "I love you..."

"Tell the others...th-that I-I..." He said, his voice getting weaker and weaker.

"Hey, hey, stop talking...you can rest now...you can rest now." She said, smiling sadly at him.

SC looked at her one last time, and his eyes finally closed, letting out his final breath. 

Red broke down and held his lifeless body in agony. The one person who had truly believed in her, the one person she had trusted with her life...was gone. The one thing that had kept her going all this time, was gone...just like that. Her best friend...the love of her life was just...gone.

Orange looked at all his dead teammates, and broke down as well. Yellow, Blue, Green, and Purple huddled around Red. After what seemed like forever, Red got up, and looked at Orange, who was standing up, looking at all his fading teammates. Suddenly, all the dead sticks body started to code away, their bits of coding flying away into the air. As the last bit of code flew into the sky, Red went up to Orange and hugged him. He needed it more than she did right now. He had lost his whole team. And he blamed it on himself.

....thx for reading this part. I really teared whilst I was making this, it was actually rly difficult :'(

Love u guys<33

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