The Prophecy.

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"W-What do you mean?" Asked Red.

"Ok Red, listen to me very carefully. Those nightmares aren't nightmares. It's me speaking to you, in real time."

"What!?" Red said, standing up in anger.

"No Red, you see...there are many universes, and there are 2 main ones. Our universe, and another one. The Herobrine that keeps speaking to you, is the one from the other universe."

Red looked Herobrine straight in the eye. She knew he was telling the truth.

"Well, what does that mean?" Questioned Red.

"There's a prophecy, that the Dark Lord is still alive, from our universe, and team up with the evil Herobrine from the other universe, and together, both CG's from the different universes will help each other to defeat them." Herobrine explained.

"Wait...what does this mean? When is it happening? What does this mean for my dreams?" Red asked in complete shock.

"I don't know when it will happen, and as for your dreams..." Herobrine said, looking away.

"As for my dreams...?" Red gestured for Herobrine to continue.

" do have powers, and visions of the future, and everything he said in that dream...was true. I'm so sorry Red." Herobrine said, looking at her with sympathetic eyes.

Red sat back in her chair. So everything was true.

"Well it's not like I have to use them, right? I don't even know how to use them." Said Red, looking at Herobrine, teary eyed.

"I didn't finish the prophecy. The Enlighted One, inheriting dark powers by dark entity, can turn the tables of the battle. Red...that's you. Your the Enlightened One. I'm sorry." Herobrine said.

"So this was your fault, wasn't it? If you had never possessed me, I would've never had this...this pressure you put on me!? I am forced to save or destroy this war!? You, are the worst person in the world Herobrine! I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU!" Red screamed, getting up and storming out of the room, wiping anger tears from her eyes.

She stood outside the room, and started to cry. After a couple of minutes, she wiped her tears away again, took a deep breath, and went back inside. Red sat down again, and got straight to the point.

"So, we have to tell the others, don't we?" Her face firm, but voice quavering.

"Yes, we do." Herobrine said, surprised at how Red came back.

Red didn't say another word, but pulled out her phone, and texted SC, saying:

'Hey, urgent meeting at monster school, please get here as fast as you can.'

Back at the house

"No! I tripped I swear!" Shouted Blue, laughing with the others.

"Haha! Oh wait guys, message from Red!" Said SC, opening his phone, his smile fading when he read the message through.

"What's wrong?" Asked Green, looking at SC's expression.

"We need to get to the school, now!" Said SC, getting up and running out of the room, the others following.

Monster School

"I'll go wait for them outside."

"Alrig-" Started Herobrine, before Red got up and hurriedly left the room, slamming the door behind her.

Red waited outside for a couple of minutes, revelling in the autumn sunset. Such a beautiful auburn orange, showing every shadow in the world. Finally, the others came, including Purple, who Red had also asked to come.

"Hey I got your text! What's going on?" Asked SC.

"Hey! Um...can you guys come with me? We all need to talk to Herobrine."

"Oh, ok." Said Green, walking in with the others.

They went into Herobrine's room and shut the door. Herobrine and Red had decided not to tell the others about her powers, this had mostly been Red's decision. 

"Hi guys." Herobrine said solemnly.

"Um, hello?" Said the others.

"I have to tell you guys something, something that will change your lives forever."

"Ok..." Said Yellow.

Herobrine took a deep breath and started explaining to tell CG about everything that he had told Red, bearing in mind to leave out Red's powers. The others were in complete shock. In the middle of explaining, Red silently left the room to take a walk. As she was nearly at the entrance, a glowing orb appeared in front of her, and it opened out into a glowing blue and black portal. Red stepped back a few steps, and gasped when she saw 7 sticks climb through the circle. Right in front of her, was SC, Green, Red, Blue, Yellow, Purple, and Mango. 

"Holy shi-!"

Awoop jumpscare! Lol. Thank you for reading this chapter! There they are, the alternate universe ppl!! Love u guys<33

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