Ready To Fight

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(Warning: Swearing)

They all stared at the giant room in wonder. It was so modern and cyber. 

"Jesus Christ..." Crimson said in amazement.

"I'll go and get the 2 Yellows." Said Ocean, going out of the room.

The others went round the room to explore. There were laser guns, digitalised rifles, techy bombs, and a lot more. Red looked around, and smiled slightly. Maybe Herobrine did want to help them. Red would never fully trust him, but he might not be as bad as she thought. Yellow and Sunny came in and excitedly took a full tour of the room as well. After fully checking out the room, Orange spoke.

"Yellow, Sunny, did you guys find anything on Herobrine and Dark?"

"Yeah we did..." Yellow said quietly.

"They've already destroyed 11 websites, and they're getting closer to stick city." Sunny said seriously.

"Shit..." Said Lime frustratedly.

"We need to gear up and fight now, otherwise...there will be no websites left to save." Said SC, walking over to the suits of armour. (Chosen brought his own suit of armour)

"Alright then, gear up people." Orange said.

They all took their suits of armour first. It was kind of like netherite armour, but more modern and black, with each sticks respectable colour. They all came and took grapple hooks, laser guns, potions, and a battle belt each. As she was looking around for another weapon, Red saw a small note tucked away in a slit of her armour. She opened the piece of paper, surprised to find Herobrine's handwriting.

"Guys! Herobrine left us a note." She said.

"What does it say?" Asked Chosen.

Red opened the note and read it out loud.

"Hello sticks. Hopefully someone has found this note. I just wanted to inform you that there is a secret compartment on the side of the wall where the door is, and there is a little button that opens it. The button is on the same wall. Inside the compartment you will find a specialised weapon for each of you. They will all be coloured to you, so you will be able to know which one is yours. Good luck." Red read out, reading the last bit in her head that said: 'P.S. Red, trust your powers.'

She almost scrunched up the paper in anger, but restrained herself.

"Well, let's find this secret compartment then." Said Green, looking around the wall. 

Ocean found the button this time, and a large hole opened out in the side of the wall. Ocean peeked inside, and gasped when he pulled out 2 large black katanas, with an glowing orange strip down them.

"Woah..." SC admired as Ocean passed the katana to him. 

Ocean pulled out more weapons, each more amazing than the last. He had given the Blues and Yellows rare potions and a 4 long bow and arrows, with special arrows with glowing tips. Herobrine had got the Greens a magical giant dark green whip, sending green sparks flying off it as they whipped them to the ground. 

"This is so sick!" Green said, flipping the whip around.

The Reds got a sword each, similar to the SCs, but the swords were thinner, and sparks of red were flying off them. They all got ready properly, and then...they were done, and ready to fight for everyone. (Idk what Purple got, just say they got like a club of some kind)

Before they left, everyone had a private chat with another person. 

"Stay together okay? We got this." Said Purple, hugging Green tightly.

"We can do this Blue, don't worry." Said Yellow, blushing as Blue hugged him.

Red went up to SC.

"Whatever happens today, we protect each other, and do whatever it takes, ok?" Red said softly, taking SC's hand.

"Of course we will. We're going to get through this Red, I promise." SC said, kissing her on the forehead and hugging her like this was the last time they were ever going to see each other again.

After everyone had said everything they wanted to, they regrouped and Chosen spoke.

"Alright, we all ready?" 

They all looked at each other and nodded, going out of the base once again, and setting off to stick city.

Thanks for reading this part! Just wanted to say thank you guys sm again for 500 reads on my oneshot book! The chapter after next is really sad so be ready for that lol. (btw the pic at the top is the battle belt) Love u guys<33 

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