Other me?

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The sticks looked at Red in surprise.

"Oh my god! Are you guys from the other universe!?" Red asked.

"Yeah we are. I'm guessing you know why we're here, don't you?" Said the other SC, stepping forward out of the portal with the others.

"Yeah...I do." Said Red, her expression hardening. "I-"

Before she could say any more, a loud crash came from outside, causing them all to step back in shock. 

"You guys need to come with me, now!" Red said, running down the corridor with the others close behind. They rushed into Herobrine's office, and everyone in the office all gasped as they ran into the room. 

"Your here already!?" Herobrine exclaimed, standing up.

"We got forced through the portal by our Herobrine, we don't have much time! We need to go now!" Said the other Blue.

"Alright, there's no other way out of here, so we have to go through the main exit." Said Herobrine.

"Where are we going to go?! We can't go back to Alan's PC, if Dark is alive, that means that he knows where we're going to go." Shouted Yellow

"I know, that's why I'm gong to take you guys to a secret base I have but we need to move. Let's go!" Shouted Herobrine, running out of the room with the group of ten.

As they were running towards the exit, something crashed through the roof and they all stepped back in shock. As the dust cleared, they realised it wasn't a something that had fallen, it was someone. The original CG all gasped as they saw The Dark Lord emerge from the rubble and dust. It was the Dark Lord, but he was...glitched. He looked up at them and an evil smirk spread across his face.

"Hello again stick figures, I'm guessing you've already heard about what's happening?" Dark said, his smile getting wider.

"You really haven't learnt your lesson after last time have you?" SC said.

"Ha! Like you can even muster those pathetic powers of yours again!" exclaimed Dark.

Dark ran towards the group, summoning the familiar red and black blade in his hand. The other SC suddenly summoned a green and black blade in his hand, and blocked the deadly weapon from reaching them.

"Ohhhhhh, so your friend's taken after me huh? An even match!" Dark said.

The other SC pushed Dark back and blasted him with emerald lasers coming out of his eyes. Dark crashed into a wall and they all made a run for it. They got out of monster school and sprinted past Pearl, Skelly, and Webbs.

"Run!" Red called out behind her.

She couldn't afford to stop, but she could warn them.

Herobrine's eyes glowed brighter, and a white portal appeared in front of them. They could hear Dark right behind them laughing. They all jumped through the portal and it all went black.

Thank you for reading this part! The vid at the top is by Allenia nelson on yt, they make alan becker tiktok comps and im obsessed w them so sub to her lol. Love u guys<33

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