So we meet again...

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The next day, all of the sticks got up and had a small breakfast, before sitting sown in the living room and making a proper plan about how they were going to defeat the evil duo.

" are we going to do this?" Sunny asked.

"Well, let's discuss Dark and Herobrine's weaknesses, and we can exploit them when it comes to battling them." Said Blue.

"Well, our Herobrine...doesn't really have a weakness, not that we know anyway."

"No, everyone has a weakness, we just have to find out what it is." Said Lime firmly.

"I think we all know what Dark's weakness is." Said Yellow, looking at SC.

"I...I don't know how to summon them..." SC said quietly.

"We've never exactly beaten our Dark, but we have beaten people like him before..." Said Crimson.

"Like who?" SC said slowly. (Btw this is all set before AvA 6)

"Ever heard of Victim?" Ocean asked.

Everyone shrugged except Red. She had known their Victim a bit, he was a ghost and Red had had the ability to talk to ghosts. The others didn't know this though.

"Red?" Orange asked, noticing Red's guilty expression.

"I...I guess so." She said hesitantly.

"What do you mean?" Red's friends asked.

"I...I can kind to ghosts." She said looking at the floor.

"Since when?" SC asked, keeping a calm tone.

"I don't just kind of happened one day. I only talked to him a couple of times, and then I just didn't see him again. It was only just after what happened with the note block battle I think." She replied.

"Well our Victim was...kind of our main enemy for god knows how long, and then we finally defeated him about a year ago." Orange said.

"How?" Purple asked.

Everyone looked at Orange.

"I killed him and sent him to the void. It was the only place where he couldn't revive himself, so that's where he is now." Said Orange blankly.

"Well back to the original subject, what do we do? I think we have a decent idea on how to beat Dark...but what about Herobrine?" Asked Sunny.

"I...honestly don't know. I think we really do just have to fight and hope." Yellow said sighing.

"Well...I do know someone that could help..." Red said.

"Who?" Asked SC.


Everyone looked at each other.

"Our Chosen's dead." Lime said.

"Oh I'm sorry..." Said Green.

"No it's fine, but what's your Chosen like, where is he?" Orange asked.

"He's lives at the place where he's always lived. He said to me before he left that he was going to get a new house nearby where the fight was, so we should be able to find him." SC said.

They all thought about it, and decided to go and find him.

"Guys, we have 2 problems though." Said Purple.

"What?" The other CG asked.

"Well first of all, we can't exactly just fly over there, we have no way to get there! Second of all, we don't know where the hell we are!" Purple exclaimed.

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