chapter 13: To Kayleigh's

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"Satan Asiul, I finally found you. The captain of the knights wanted to speak with you," Fly's green hair was distinctly shown when he went inside the kitchen.

Satan Asiul looked at Lilithia for help. She wanted to continue their cooking session. In response, Lilithia simply shrugged her shoulders as if telling Satan Asiul that there's nothing they could do but to postpone their cooking session. Satan Asiul tried once more — not responding to Fly's request.

"I believe that the captain wanted to discuss something with you. It's better if we leave cooking cookies for another day?" Lilithia proposed.

Fly's face brightened. Lilithia gave Fly a wink. It's as if both of them had already initially planned all these out. Lilithia was rather thankful for Fly's sudden appearance. She wouldn't want the kitchen to be in such a mess again.

When Satan Asiul heard what Lilithia had said, she finally gave up. Lilithia might actually be right. She's only good at ruling Hell and not cooking inside the kitchen.

The two left soon, with Fly giving Lilithia a thumbs up. Lilithia smiled as she looked at the furball.

"I'll name you Fluff, isn't it cute?" Then place Fluff on her right shoulder.

To her surprise, Fluff suddenly disappeared.

"Fluff? Where are you?" Lilithia tried finding Fluff.

The creature suddenly appeared when she called. Lilithia exhaled with relief. She thought that she might have lost Satan Asiul's gift.

"Alright. I guess you could magically disappear and appear when I call, don't you?"

"Woff," The cute creature happily jumped up and down before disappearing again once more.

Lilithia was relieved. This way, she wouldn't have to keep an eye every time on the creature. She then lifted her sleeves once more. A mango pie might be a nice dessert for Satan Asiul after she meets with the head knight.

Lilithia looks proud of herself. The pie was perfect and definitely smells delicious.

"Lilithia, I need you to help Gils at the garden," Kerh said.

"Alright. I'll just bring the pie to Satan Asiul," Lilithia said, holding the pie.

"You really do call Satan Asiul by her name, huh?" Kerh wondered.

"She pestered me for days to call her name. I think it has just become a habit," Lilithia explained, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

"I was just surprised, that's all. I can give it to the satan in your place. Gils needs you right away," Kerh explained.

Lilithia placed the pie back on the table before saying goodbye. She headed towards the garden right away. What could have happened that I am needed as soon as possible? Lilithia thought to herself.

Lilitha peaked through the thick bushes for Gils, the gardener. There she saw Gils being held captive by a giant white wolf with demon's horns and feathered wings. It has massive fangs with red blood eyes.

The creature glared at Lilithia before approaching her. Lilithia tensed up. She could only hope that the beast won't eat her alive. The giant wolf beast stiffened. Just as Lilithia's legs were about to give in, the beast lowered its head, asking for a pat. Lilithia looked closer at the beast, fluffy white fur — it's her pet, Fluff!

"Fluff, is that you?"

"Awoooo," he answered happily, jumping up and down.

"Stay," Lilithia demanded.

The creature then stayed still. Lilithia rewarded it by rubbing its fur, which made it purr out of satisfaction. Gils, who was wiping his forehead with a cloth, slowly approached.

"This legendary beast is your pet?"


"You don't know about the Marchosias, right? It's his cousin, the great mighty Zilmixon. It can even reproduce without a mate," Gils proudly said as he admired the legendary beast in front of him.

Lilitha's eyebrows became crooked. Why on earth would Satan Asiul give her a legendary beast? Lilithia decided to let it slide. The satan might have just been worried for her and decided to give her a companion to protect her.

After Lilithia had told Fluff to stay out of trouble, she headed towards Satan Asiul's study room. Lilithia made sure to knock and wait for Satan Asiul's signal before heading in. There she saw the same knight who brought her here. Lilithia greeted him and Fly before glaring at Satan Asiul.

Satan Asiul, who had no idea what she had done wrong, ignored Lilithia.

"So about Kayleigh, she's a changed person?" Satan Asiul asked to play with the teacup.

"I'm sorry for interrupting. I'll take my leave then," Lilithia bowed before leaving.

"No need, you can join us," Satan Asiul commanded.

Lilithia stopped on her tracks and stood beside the door, waiting for Satan Asiul to be done.

"Her secretary had reported that Hord Kayleigh had been out-of-if the whole day. She was troubled too," Hylis, the captain knight, said worriedly.

"This is worrying. Kayleigh's never like that."

"Your Majesty, if I may. Wasn't there a time that Hord Kayleigh changed? She used to be cold, then suddenly she started to become warmer," Fly informed.

Satan Asiul's blue eyes widened.

"Oh, Heaven! Azul! How dare she-" Satan Asiul sighed.

Satan Asiul turned her heels and walked towards Lilithia, and whispered, "You're going on a trip with me."

Fly, who seemed to get the gist of what was happening, began to panic.

"Satan! Wait. There's still paperwork t-"

"This is far more important. That hord of mine is not doing her job properly. Of course, as the leader of Hell, I'm supposed to correct her ways, right?" Satan Asiul winked before grabbing Lilithia's arm and waving goodbye to the two gentlemen.

"There she goes again," Fly sighed.

"Isn't our satan cheerful as always," Hylis, who felt sorry for Fly, said?

"Well, here's the report. I've put the troublemakers in the cell. I don't think it's worse enough to send them there."

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