chapter 18:Truth

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Lilitha sat there still rather shocked. Her mind was digesting what the princess had just told her. She couldn't believe that there used to exist such a satan. It terrified her. The resemblance of it is similar to Earth. Lilithia felt her throat becoming dry. She clenched her jaws.

Her damned manager, her higher-ups, treating them all like disposable trash. She remembered their faces clearly, those smirks underneath those pretentious words. She should've sued their asses, but then, what? What would it result in? It won't bear any fruit. She'll just be any other employee who'll be fired and have who'd hard time finding another job. Tyrants — those hungry for money and for power.

After hours and hours of no sleep, she wanted to curse that overtime pays. Money, money, just for money — those damn pieces of paper. Such a hypocrite for her to think of such thoughts. She had lived a comfortable life and was able to buy what she wanted and eat to her heart's content. It did her a number; she gave up on life — on living. She became lifeless.

Lilithia wanted to laugh. If only she could undo her mistakes. Maybe then — but, it's impossible. What happened to her, even when Lilithia had another chance. There's nothing she can do.

A tear somehow escaped from the corner of her eye, slowly making her way to her chin.

"I'm sorry, Lilithia," The princess apologized. Even when guilt filled her, she didn't regret her choice. Lilihtia deserves to know.

Lilithia lifted her thin arms, her slim fingers reached for her chubby cheek, and brushed the tear away. She shouldn't weep in front of the princess. She turned her head towards the princess and saw a shadow at twelve o'clock, covering the princess's face.

She turned around to see the owner of the shadow; she felt her heart ache. Satan Asiul stood there, eyes filled with warmth. Her lips curved upward, slightly trembling — trying to hold herself from beaming out of happiness. Lilihtia had never seen Satan Asiul looked severe at the same time ecstatic. It's that look. She had seen it before. Her heart ached. Just when I've figured out my feelings, I know of hers. We can never be.

"I was about to leave. It was pleasant to see you again, Asiul," Princess Ubonihs gathered herself and proceeded to walk away together with Dukes.

Lilithia stood up and dusted her sleeves. Her lips twitched. Satan Asiul's smile didn't disappear. Instead, it looked painful. Her eyes showed a hint of longingness. Lilithia reminded herself that her love will not bear any fruit. She'd been hurt enough. It took years for her to move on — many years. She couldn't let herself experience such hardships again, not with the satan. She's supposed to be happy in the afterlife. She shouldn't forget that she's just a maid.

Asiul's in love with Princess Ubonihs.

The look Satan Asiul had when she looked at Princess Ubonihs was similar to hers — it was love. The same look when Princess Ubonihs left with Dukes. Right then and there, the look on Satan Asiul's face changed, it was filled with jealousy.

Lilithia felt the ground vibrating. It didn't stop and only grew stronger. Eventually, her legs gave out. Lilithia felt herself almost meeting face-to-face with the ground when suddenly, a hand slipped on the waist while the other grabbed her arm. She opened her eyes. Satan Asiul had saved her.

"You okay? That was a close call, wasn't it?" Lilithia gave a smirk. She pretended to be fine.

"Thank you, Asiul," She said softly.

She stood herself up and curtsied. This action of hers aroused suspicion to Satan Asiul. Lilithia sensed that her action might have been mistakenly interpreted, clasped her both hands on Satan Asiul's.

"If you keep on being that sweet, you might make me fall for you," She winked, then smiled mischievously. I should act like before, but surely, I've already liked her even back then.

Satan Asiul's eyes widened. Lilithia's smile became crooked; she made a mistake. After training herself to be calm — no, more like life on Earth trained her to be that way — to live in surviving mode.  No wonder after arriving in Hell, she felt herself becoming different than before — she was actually living now.

"Thanks," Lilithia said genuinely to Satan Asiul, still not letting go of the satan's hand.

"You saved me- no, you reminded me who I used to be."

"Is that bad?" Satan Asiul tilted her head.

This erupted a chuckle from Lilithia's thin lips.

Sweet and soft and lovely, adorable even though it made Satan Asiul flinch a little. Her eyes suddenly landed on Lilithia's lips. She disregarded her previous thoughts.

Lilithia left her hands, then one of her hands found its way to Satan Asiul's smooth cheek, touching it.

She shook her head, "It's wonderful."

Her hand dropped down, no longer on Satan Asiul's cheek. She turned around, ready to leave, "It's almost dark outside. Let's head inside, shall we, Asiul?" Right. This is right. I can keep my feelings at bay.

Satan Asiul's face turned a tad cherry-red. Her hand found its way to her cheek. She creased where Lilithia's hand had once placed. She felt her heartbeat increasing. She used to be indifferent to it, but realization slowly crept towards her thoughts. Satan Asiul bit her lip, then smiled.

Lilithia, who hadn't received an answer from Satan Asiul, turned around only to meet an arm circling on her waist then holding her tightly.

"Shall we?"

Lilithia perceived this action as another way Satan Asiul treated her and decided not to question the action.

"We shall," Satan Asiul answered. I shall make you fall for me.

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