Chapter 22: Date

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Lilithia was excited. Shelby and she had requested for a day off to catch up with one another again. Looks like just parting for a day made Shelby miss her too much — not really. Lilithia had a hunch about this. When Shelby had hugged her, she could feel the trembling hands of Shebly's. Immediately, she knew that there was something wrong. Well, she just decided to ride on what Shebly was planning. A day-off was nice but being able to see Satan Asiul was better. Lilithia was troubled.

"Tell me," Lilithia said just right after they sat on the carriage.

"Oh, you could tell. I thought you also missed me too," Shelby played with her hair, trying to avoid her gaze.

"Shelby, there's no use to hide it," Lilithia smirked and scooted closer to Shelby.

Shelby played with her hair more or more. Her friend must have already guessed it. It's no use to hide it anymore.

"I'll spill it! It's Irahs. I think I'm really in love with her," she whispered.

"Haven't you always been?"

"The difference is. I want to always cuddle her and kiss her. It's all her fault! She wore this cute nightgown and woke up hugging the rabbit I gave her! And you know what? I got a freaking glimpse of her breasts! Ugh! It's driving me nuts."

Lilithia laughed.

Shelby was red as a tomato. Waking up to see her crush's breast first thing in the morning, really made her really fidgety the whole day.

"Don't worry, even I would have the same reaction."

Lilithia looked at Shelby in a speed of lightning, "You gave her that massive rabbit plushie?"

"Yes, why?"

"Nothing. I just remembered seeing one when I first arrived. So you're the one who gave it to her huh? You're both so cute together. Why not just confess?"

"No! No! No! You don't get it! Irahs has always been in love with Satan Asiul. I can't just waltz in and ask her out!"

"Shelby." Lilithia 's voice filled with care. She couldn't stand seeing her friend downing herself anymore.

Ever since she saw the two together, she could already sense it. Those two cared for each other — not just as a friend. Lilithia wanted to smack Shelby's head. Lilithia scrunched her nose, she felt a sharp pain on her head. It's back again. The last time she had experience this was a few months ago when they visited Hord Kayleigh. It wasn't as painful as this. Her thoughts drifted back to what Hord Hampher had said. "I know right! It's freakishly weird! But recently, even weirder things have been happening. There's not supposed to have those rumbling floors or heavy rain with those lightning thingy!" Hord Hampher had said that it had become worse compared to before. Lilithia touched the tip of her nose again. Hadn't those started to happen when more chose Heaven?" Is it because I suddenly chose Hell? I remember my memories, is it causing this headache? She hypothesized. But of course, without proof it's just a hypothesis. Hord Hampher did say that it had been happening years prior. She wondered what is happening.

"You're doing it again."

"What?" Lilithia faced Shelby, surprised.

Shelby pointed her finger, "This," she then began mirroring Lilithia, "You always play or touch the tip of your nose whenever you are nervous or I don't know thinking of something dangerous."

Lilithia dropped her arms and sighed, "Hord Hampher said that mysterious things kept on happening here."

Shelby placed her arm around the shoulders of Lilithia and enveloped her into a hug, "The floor was shaking last time, an Earthquake? I've been here for years and there's no such thing as that. I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with Satan Asiul."

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