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It had been twenty years since Naira had seen Kartik. It had been twenty years since they had been separated as children, and she had missed him every day since then. But she had never given up hope of finding him again.

One day, Naira sat at the dinner table with her parents, lost in her thoughts. After a few minutes of silence, she finally spoke up.

"Mumma papa, do you remember Kartik?" she asked.

Her parents looked at each other and smiled. "Of course we do," Akshra replied. "He was your best friend, and we used to love it when he came over to play with you."

Naira smiled at the memories. "Do you know what happened to him? I lost touch with him after he moved away," she said.

Naitik spoke up. "Last I heard, he had moved to the US to study. But that was a long time ago. I don't know what he's up to now."

Naira's heart sank at the thought of not knowing where Kartik was. "I wish I could find him," she said softly.

Her mother reached out and placed her hand on Naira's. "Maybe you should try looking for him online. You never know; he might be on social media," she suggested.

Naira's eyes lit up at the idea. "That's a great idea, Momma." I'll start looking for him tonight."

After dinner, Naira went to her room and started searching for Kartik on social media. She searched for hours, scrolling through countless profiles, but couldn't find him.

Just as she was about to give up, she received a message from an old friend. It was Kartik! Her heart skipped a beat as she read his message, asking her how she was doing and if they could catch up.

Naira's eyes filled with tears as she typed her reply, realising that fate had finally brought them back together after 20 long years.

Naira's heart sank as she read the next message from Kartik. It was not the Kartik she had been looking for. It was someone with the same name who had just happened to stumble upon her profile. She was devastated.

For a moment, she sat there, staring at the screen, wondering what to do next. She had been so sure that she had finally found Kartik, but it was just a coincidence. She closed her laptop and lay down on her bed, feeling dejected.

Days turned into weeks, and Naira couldn't shake off the feeling of disappointment. She had been so close to finding her childhood friend, and now it seemed like she was back to square one.

She had tried everything: searching for him online, asking around in her old neighbourhood, even hiring a private investigator. But all her efforts had been in vain. It seemed like Kartik had disappeared from the face of the earth.

But Naira refused to give up. She was determined to find her childhood friend, and she knew that she would not rest until she had exhausted every possible avenue. And so she continued her search, her hope and determination undiminished.

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