The Long-Distance Connection

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Kartik had been living in the United States for several years now. After finishing college, Kartik started his own business, and he had been working hard to establish himself in his career. But despite his success, there was always a part of him that felt incomplete.

He had never forgotten about Naira, the girl he had grown up with and shared so many memories with.

Kartik couldn't help but feel a sense of longing. He missed Naira more than he ever thought possible, and he knew that he had to see her in person. He searched social media for any clues on where she lived, but he couldn't find anything.

Despite his frustration, Kartik refused to give up. He knew that he had to find a way to see Naira again, to pick up where they had left off all those years ago. And so, he continued his search, hoping that fate would bring them together once more.

Kartik was lost in thought, scrolling through his phone as he searched for any clue that might lead him to Naira.

Suddenly, his phone began to ring, and he saw that it was his grandmother calling on video chat.

"Hi, Dadi!" Kartik said, smiling at his grandmother.

"Kartik, beta, how are you?" Suhasini asked, her face lighting up with joy.

"I'm good, Dadi. How are you?"

"I'm fine, beta. I just wanted to check in on you and see how things are going in America."

Kartik and his grandmother chatted for a few minutes, talking about his job and his life in the US.

His grandmother seemed satisfied with his answer, and they said their goodbyes. But as the call ended, Kartik felt a sense of urgency. He knew that he had to find Naira, no matter what it took.

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