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Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, but Kartik never gave up on his search for Naira. He scoured social media, checked public records, and even hired a private investigator to help him track down any leads.

At times, he felt like giving up. The search was exhausting and seemed endless, but then he would remember the way Naira's eyes would light up when she smiled, and he would find the strength to keep going.

At first, Kartik wasn't sure if it was really Naira. The girl in the photo had her back to the camera, and he couldn't see her face. But something about the way she stood, the way her hair fell around her shoulders, was so familiar.

Kartik quickly messaged the person who had posted the photo, asking if they knew the girl's name. When the person responded with a name, Kartik's heart skipped a beat. It was Naira's name.

He couldn't believe it. After months of searching, he had finally found a lead. He immediately messaged the woman in the photo, asking if she knew Naira.

To his surprise, the woman responded almost immediately. She told him that she had met Naira while traveling, and that they had become close friends.

Kartik couldn't contain his excitement. He asked the woman to put him in touch with Naira, and she promised to pass on his message.

Days turned into weeks, and Kartik waited anxiously for a response. He checked his phone constantly, hoping to see a message from Naira.

Finally, one day, as he was getting ready for work, his phone beeped. He saw that he had a message from a number he didn't recognize. His heart raced as he opened the message.

"Kartik, is that you?" the message read.

Kartik felt tears welling up in his eyes as he read the words. It was Naira. After all these months, he had finally found her.

He quickly typed out a response, his fingers shaking with excitement.

"Yes, it's me!" he wrote. "Naira, I've been looking for you for so long. Are you okay? Where are you?"

For a few tense moments, there was no response. Kartik's heart pounded in his chest as he waited for Naira's reply.

Then, finally, his phone beeped again.

"I'm okay, Kartik," the message read. "I'm in Paris. Can we talk?"

Kartik felt like he was in a dream. He quickly replied, telling Naira that he would do anything to talk to her.

Within minutes, his phone rang. He answered, his heart racing with anticipation.

"Kartik?" a voice said on the other end.

It was Naira's voice. He hadn't heard it in so long, but it was just as sweet as he remembered.

"Naira!" he exclaimed. "Oh my god, I can't believe I'm talking to you."

They talked for hours, catching up on everything that had happened since they had last seen each other. Naira told Kartik about her travels, her medical conference and Kartik told Naira about his search for her.

As they talked, Kartik felt like he was on top of the world. After so many months of searching, he had finally found Naira, and she was safe and sound.

But he also knew that there was still so much he didn't know about her.

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