Love and Support

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As Kartik was still talking to Naira, we switch to a scene in India where Akshara was on the phone with Naitik.

"Naitik Naira is in Paris" said Akshra.

"Akshara, have you heard from Princess?" Naitik asked.

"No, not yet," Akshara replied. "But I did get a message from her this morning. She's in Paris for a medical conference."

"Paris?" Naitik exclaimed. "Why didn't she tell us? Is she okay?"

"She's fine, Naitik," Akshara reassured him. "She just didn't want to worry us. She's been busy with the conference, but she promised to call us soon."

Naitik let out a sigh of relief. "Okay, that's good to hear. I was getting worried."

"I know," Akshara said. "But Naira is a grown up now. We have to trust that she knows what she's doing."

"I just wish she would have told us," Naitik said.

"I know," Akshara said. "But let's just be happy that she's safe and doing well. We'll talk to her soon and catch up on everything."

Naitik agreed, feeling grateful that his daughter was okay. He knew that Naira was a strong and independent girl

Meanwhile, in Paris, Naira was enjoying her time at the medical conference. She had met some interesting people and learned a lot about the latest advancements in medicine. However, she couldn't help but think about Kartik, especially after their long conversation the night before.

She decided to take a break from the conference and explore the city for a while. As she walked through the streets, she saw a couple holding hands and smiling at each other. It reminded her of the time when she and Kartik used to do the same.

She took out her phone and decided to call him, hoping that he was still awake, The phone rang for a few seconds before Kartik answered.

"Hey, Naira," he said, sounding surprised. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine," Naira replied. "I just wanted to hear your voice again."

Kartik smiled. "I'm glad you called. I've been thinking about you too."

Naira's heart skipped a beat. "Really?"

"Really," Kartik said. "I miss you, Naira. I know we've been apart for a long time, but I can't stop thinking about you."

Naira's eyes filled with tears. "I miss you too, Kartik. I wish we could be together again."

"I know," Kartik said. "But we'll figure something out. We'll find a way to be together, no matter what."

Naira felt her heart fill with hope. Maybe there was a way for them to be together again. Maybe they could overcome all the obstacles and make their love work.

As they talked for a while longer, Naira couldn't help but feel grateful for the technology that allowed them to stay in touch despite the distance. She knew that their love was strong enough to withstand anything, as long as they had each other.

Later that day, Naira called her parents to tell them about her trip to Paris and the medical conference. She also wanted to share her conversation with Kartik with them.

"Hi, Mumma, Papa," Naira said as soon as they answered the call. "How are you both?"

"We're good, Naira," Akshara replied. "How's the conference going?"

"It's going great," Naira said. "I've learned a lot and met some interesting people."

"That's wonderful," Naitik said. "We're so proud of you, Princess."

Naira smiled. "Thanks, Papa. But there's something else I wanted to talk to you both about."

"What is it, Naira?" Akshara asked.

"I spoke to Kartik last night," Naira said. "We talked for a long time and I realized how much I miss him."

Akshara and Naitik exchanged a glance. They had always known that Naira and Kartik had a special connection, even as children.

"We understand, Naira," Akshara said. "But you have to remember that you and Kartik have been apart for a long time. A lot has changed since then."

"I know, Mumma," Naira said.

"We understand that too, Naira," Naitik said. "But you have to think about what's best for you. And for Kartik."

Naira nodded. "I know, Papa. But I just wanted to share my feelings with you both. And to let you know that I'm thinking about my future."

"We appreciate that, Naira," Akshara said. "We want you to be happy. And we'll support you no matter what."

Naira felt grateful for her parents' support. She knew that whatever she decided, she could count on their love and guidance.

"Thanks, Mumma, Papa," she said. "I love you both."

"We love you too, Princess," Naitik said. "Take care and enjoy the rest of your trip."

Naira ended the call feeling a little bit lighter. She knew that she still had a lot to think about, but she also knew that she had the love and support of her family behind her.

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