A Hope

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A few days had passed since Kartik's conversation with his grandmother, and he had made little progress in his search for Naira. He was feeling frustrated and discouraged, wondering if he would ever be able to find her.

One evening, his phone rang again, and he saw that it was his grandmother calling on video chat.

"Hi, Dadi," he said, answering the call.

"Kartik, beta, how are you doing?" Suhasini asked, her face lighting up as she saw him.

"I'm okay, Dadi," Kartik said, forcing a smile. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, beta. I was just wondering if you've had any luck finding that friend of yours."

Kartik's heart sank as he realized that his grandmother was talking about Naira.

"No, Dadi," he said, his voice heavy with disappointment. "I haven't been able to find her yet."

"Oh, I see," Suhasini said, her expression sympathetic. "Well, don't give up, beta. I'm sure you'll find her soon."

Kartik nodded, feeling grateful for his grandmother's support.

"Thank you, Dadi," he said. "I'll keep looking."

"I know you will, beta," Suhasini said, smiling at him. "You always were a determined young man."

Kartik smiled back, feeling a surge of affection for his grandmother. She had always been his biggest supporter, and he knew that he could count on her no matter what.

As they said their goodbyes, Kartik felt a renewed sense of determination. He knew that he couldn't give up on finding Naira, no matter how difficult it might be. And with his grandmother's encouragement, he felt more hopeful than ever that he would be able to find her and reconnect with his long-lost friend.

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