Forever and Always

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As the engagement date was approaching, Kartik and Naira were busy with the preparations. They went for shopping, got the gifts packed and arranged for sweets and snacks for the guests. Meanwhile, Akshra was worried about Naksh's arrival and asked Naitik if he had spoken to him.

Akshra: "Have you talked to Naksh about his arrival?"

Naitik: "Yes, I have. He will be arriving tomorrow morning."

Akshra: "That's a relief. I was getting worried about him not coming on time."

However, amidst all the excitement, Akshra suddenly had an asthma attack. Naira got angry at Akshra for not taking proper care of herself.

Naira: "Mom, how many times have I told you to take your medicines regularly? Why don't you ever listen to me?

Akshra: "I'm sorry, beta. I didn't mean to get sick. I promise I'll take better care of myself from now on."

Naira: "You better. We can't afford any more surprises."

Despite the momentary tension, the engagement preparations continued as planned, and everyone was excited for the big day.

Naksh arrived the next day and Naira was overjoyed to see her brother after a long time. She hugged him tightly and then introduced him to Kartik. Naksh and Kartik had met before, but it was a brief meeting, and they didn't get a chance to interact much.

Naksh noticed the excitement in Naira's eyes and teased her, "Seems like someone is really happy to see me, or is it because Kartik is here?"

Naira blushed and pushed him playfully, "Stop teasing me, Bhai. You know how much I missed you."

Naksh smiled and hugged her again, "I missed you too, sis. And congratulations on your engagement."

Naira's friends and sister joined them, and they started teasing her about Kartik. They were all giggling and making fun of her. Naira blushed, but she was happy to have them around.

The engagement preparations continued, and everyone was excited about the big day.

As Kartik got ready for his engagement, his friends started teasing him. "Kartik, you're getting married! Finally settling down?" Raj kartik's frd said, chuckling.

Kartik smiled, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. "Yeah, it's finally happening," he replied.

Mehul another friend smirked. "Don't worry, we'll make sure you don't run away this time," he joked.

Kartik rolled his eyes playfully. "Ha ha, very funny," he said.

Just then, Dadi entered the room and put a small dot of kajal on Kartik's forehead. "Nazar utari," she said, warding off any evil eye.

Kartik smiled at his grandmother. "Thanks, Dadi," he said.

Kirti, who was also there, smiled at the sight of her brother and Naira. She was happy that her brother had found someone he loved and was getting engaged. She wished them all the happiness in the world.

They all headed to Naira's house, where the engagement was set to take place. Naira's house was beautifully decorated with flowers and lights, and the atmosphere was filled with excitement and joy.

On the day of the engagement, Naira looked stunning in her traditional attire, while Kartik looked dashing in his sherwani. The house was bustling with guests and relatives, and the atmosphere was filled with happiness and excitement.

Kartik's family had also come for the engagement ceremony, and they were warmly welcomed by Naira's family. Everyone exchanged greetings and congratulations, and the ceremony began with the exchange of rings between Kartik and Naira.

As Kartik entered the house, he caught a glimpse of Naira in her stunning engagement outfit, and his heart skipped a beat. He couldn't believe that they were finally getting engaged.

Kartik arrives and observes Naira there. She did not notice his attempts to signal her. This is noticed by Kirti and Nisha, who then begin to tease Naira about Kartik. Naira leaves the area out of shyness.

Kartik also follows her, making sure that no one notices him but everyone notices his act and begins laughing at them.

Naira enters the garden and beams as she considers Kartik. Following her, he gives her a hug.

Kartik whispered, "You look so beautiful today," in her ear.

Naira: Oh, hmmm It's because I am so ecstatic that we will be together forever, na, I guess. That is the reason.

She makes a turn and gives him a cheek kiss. They locked eyes and lost in each other awareness of their surroundings. They look back as they hear loud clapping. The entire family gathered there and began making fun of them. Kaira feels embarrassed and timid. They entered the residence.

Should we begin our lives now? and gives her a wink. The ecstatic family members begin to arrive for the engagement ceremony.

Naira's friends and sister teased her as she blushed, "Naira, look at you, you are blushing like a tomato!"

Naira rolled her eyes and smiled at them. "Shut up, you guys," she said, feeling a mix of happiness and nervousness.

As they stand side by side, Kartik and Naira begin to exchange rings. Everyone applauds their unity and wishes them well in continuing to be such. They are locked in a charming eyelock.

After the engagement ceremony, the families sat down to enjoy the feast, and everyone was in high spirits. Kartik and Naira stole glances at each other and exchanged smiles, feeling happy and content in each other's company.

As the day drew to a close, everyone bid their goodbyes and left, leaving behind a happy and contented couple. Kartik and Naira retired to their rooms, still feeling the happiness and excitement of their engagement.

Later that night, as they spoke on the phone, Kartik expressed his joy at their engagement and told Naira how happy he was to have her in his life.

Kartik: "Naira, I still can't believe that we're engaged now. I'm so happy and excited to start our life together."

Naira: "Me too, Kartik. I feel so blessed to have you in my life. You make everything better just by being there."

Kartik: "I feel the same way, Naira. You make me a better person, and I promise to always love and cherish you."

Naira: "I know you will, Kartik. And I promise to love and support you through all the ups and downs of life."

As they ended their call, Kartik and Naira felt content and happy, knowing that they had found true love in each other. They looked forward to the future, filled with hope and promise, and were eager to start their life together as a married couple.

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