A Night of Music and Love

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Kartik return from America and came to meet Naira at hospital.

Kartik arrived at the hospital and went to see Naira, who was busy checking her patient's report. He stood there admiring her work and couldn't resist but smile.

Kartik watched Naira carefully as she moved from one patient to another, checking their reports and making notes. He admired her dedication and hard work, and couldn't help but feel proud of her. After a few minutes, Naira finally noticed him standing there, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Naira, I missed you," Kartik said, walking towards her.

"I missed you too, Kartik," Naira replied, putting her reports aside. "How was your trip to America?"

"It was good, but I missed you every second," Kartik said, taking Naira's hand. "I have something for you."

Kartik pulled out a small box from his pocket and opened it to reveal a beautiful necklace. Naira's eyes widened in surprise and happiness as she looked at the piece of jewelry.

"It's beautiful, Kartik," she said, admiring it. "Thank you."

"I wanted to give it to you personally," Kartik said, putting the necklace around Naira's neck. "You look even more beautiful now."

Naira blushed and looked down, feeling shy. Kartik lifted her chin gently and looked into her eyes.

"I can't wait to marry you, Naira," he said, his eyes filled with love.

"I can't wait either, Kartik," Naira replied, smiling. "But we have a lot of preparations to do for the sangeet and Mehndi function."

Kartik nodded and held Naira's hand. They walked out of the hospital together, ready to face the upcoming challenges of wedding preparations.

Meanwhile, at the Singhania house, Akshra, Naitik, and Naksh were busy making preparations for Kartik and Naira's sangeet and mehndi function. They were decorating the house with colorful lights and flowers, and finalizing the menu for the function.

Naksh was excited about the function and was practicing his dance moves for the sangeet. "I can't wait for the function, it's going to be so much fun," he exclaimed.

Akshra smiled at her son's enthusiasm and replied, "Yes, it's going to be a great celebration."

Naitik was busy making phone calls to the caterer and decorator, ensuring that everything was on track. He turned to Akshra and said, "I hope everything goes smoothly, we have a lot of guests coming over."

"Don't worry, Naitik. Everything will be fine," Akshra reassured him.

Just then, Naksh received a call from his friends who were also invited to the function. He went to his room to talk to them, leaving Akshra and Naitik alone in the living room.

"Naitik, I'm feeling a little tired. Do you mind if I take a small nap?" Akshra asked.

"Sure, go ahead. You need to take care of yourself," Naitik replied, concerned for his wife's health.

Akshra went to her room and lay down on the bed. She closed her eyes, but her mind was still racing with thoughts of the function.

On the other hand, Suhasini, and Keerti, were doing shopping for the sangeet and mehndi function. They were choosing the best dresses and jewelry for the bride and groom, and also selecting gifts for the guests.

Suhasini turned to Keerti and said, "I'm so excited for the function. It's going to be a grand celebration."

Keerti nodded in agreement, "Yes, it's going to be so much fun. I can't wait to see Naira and Kartik dance together."

Sangeet and Mehndi function started and Akshra and Naitik welcome the guests and then kartik's family arrived and kartik searching for naira.

As Naira descended the stairs, Kartik couldn't take his eyes off her. She looked stunning in her outfit, and he couldn't help but feel grateful to have her in his life. As soon as he saw her, he made his way towards her.

"Wow, Naira, you look breathtaking," Kartik said as he looked at her admiringly.

"Thank you, Kartik," Naira blushed and smiled.

The couple's eyes locked onto each other's, and they stood there, lost in the moment. But their trance was soon broken by the loud music, and they were reminded of the ongoing function.

"Shall we?" Kartik said, extending his hand to Naira.

Naira took his hand, and they made their way to the dance floor. As they danced, they were lost in their own world, and it seemed like nothing else mattered. The guests were mesmerized by their chemistry and couldn't stop looking at them.

As the night went on, the guests enjoyed the function, and the couple was showered with love and blessings. They couldn't take their eyes off each other.

Meanwhile, Naksh and Keerti were busy showing off their dance moves, and everyone was enjoying the music and dancing. The atmosphere was filled with happiness and excitement for the upcoming wedding.

As the sangeet and mehndi function were going on, Naksh and Keerti were having a great time dancing and enjoying the moment. Kartik and Naira were also enjoying the celebration and were dancing together. Suddenly, Kartik pulled Naira to the side.

Kartik: "Naira, I can't wait for our wedding day. I want to spend every moment of my life with you. I love you more than anything in this world."

Naira: "I feel the same way, Kartik. You make me so happy. I can't wait to start our life together."

Kartik: "I promise to make you happy every day of our life, Naira. You are my world and I will always be there for you."

Naira: "I know you will, Kartik. I have complete faith in you."

Kartik and Naira hugged each other tightly, lost in their love and excitement for their upcoming wedding.

It was a night that Kartik and Naira would always cherish, as it marked the beginning of their journey together.

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