The Date is Set for Kartik and Naira's Wedding

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Akshra and Naitik were sitting at the dining table, enjoying their breakfast when Akshra's phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Kartik's dadi calling.

Akshra: (answering the phone) Hello, Namaste Maaji.

Suhasini: Namaste, Akshra beta. How are you?

Akshra: I am doing well, Maaji. How are you?

Suhasini: I am good. Actually, I wanted to talk to you and Naitik about something important.

Naitik: (joining the conversation) Yes, Maaji. Please tell us.

Suhasini: Actually, my guruji has suggested that the wedding should take place on the auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya, which is just a few days away. I wanted to know if that date is okay with you and your family.

Akshra: (surprised) Akshaya Tritiya? That's in just a few days.

Suhasini: Yes, beta. I know it's short notice, but my guruji said that it's a very auspicious day for weddings.

Naitik: (thinking) We will have to check with Naira and see if she can take some time off from the hospital.

Akshra: (nodding) Yes, that's true. We will also have to make all the arrangements in such a short time.

Suhasini: I understand your concerns, but I hope everything works out. Please let me know as soon as possible.

Akshra: (smiling) Yes, Maaji. We will let you know.

After ending the call, Akshra and Naitik looked at each other with concern.

Akshra: (worriedly) We need to talk to Naira about this. It's such short notice.

Naitik: (nodding) Yes, and we also have to make sure that all the arrangements are in place.

Akshra: (taking a deep breath) Let's talk to Naira first and then we will figure out the rest.

While on other hand, Suhasini inform kittu about her conversation to guruji, over phone as kartik gone to America to attend a business meeting.

Suhasini: Kartik, listen carefully, Guruji has said that after one week, the wedding day will be auspicious.

Kartik: (excitedly) What? Really? One week? Oh my God! (starts dancing)

Suhasini: Yes, Kartik. You have to come back to India soon and get everything ready.

Kartik: (still dancing) Yes, Dadi, I will come as soon as possible. I can't believe it's finally happening.

Suhasini: (laughs) I can see that. Don't forget to bring all the necessary things with you.

Kartik: Don't worry, Dadi. I will make sure everything is perfect for our wedding.

Suhasini: Good, good. Now stop dancing and start packing your bags. There's a lot to be done.

Kartik: (stops dancing) Yes, Dadi. I will start packing right away. Thank you so much for telling me this great news.

As Naira was walking out of the operating room, Kartik called Naira

Naira - Hello!

"Naira, I have some great news! Dadi has finalized our wedding date. We're getting married in just a week!" Kartik exclaimed.

Naira was surprised but happy to hear the news. "That's wonderful, Kartik! But we have so much to do in just a week," she said, smiling.

"Don't worry, I've got everything under control. You just focus on your work, and I'll take care of the rest," Kartik said, assuring her.

Naira thanked him and feeling happy and excited about their upcoming wedding. They spent some time talking and planning the wedding preparations before Naira had to attend to her next surgery.

As Kartik hang up the phone he felt grateful to have Naira in his life and couldn't wait to start their new life together as husband and wife.

Next morning

Naitik: princess good morning. How are you feeling today?

Naira: Good morning Papa. I'm feeling fine. Just had a busy night at the hospital.

Naitik: I can imagine. Listen, your mother and I were just discussing your wedding date. Maaji told us that it's been finalized for next week.

Naira: Yes, Papa. Kartik already informed me about it.

Naitik: Oh, that's good. So, are you happy with the date?

Naira: Yes, Papa. I am very happy. I just hope that everything goes smoothly.

Naitik: Don't worry, beta. Everything will be fine. We have already started the preparations and your mother is working hard to make sure everything is perfect.

Naira: I know, Papa. I am so lucky to have you both. And Kartik's family is also so supportive.

Naitik: Yes, they are. Speaking of which, we just received a call from Dadi. She wanted to talk to us about something related to the wedding.

Naira: Oh, okay. Let me know if I can help in any way.

Naitik: Sure, beta.

Naira: I will, Papa. Love you.

Naitik: Love you too, beta.

Naira hugs naitik just then Akshra came to dinning table with breakfast And told no one loves me.

Naira quickly releases the hug and turns to Akshra with a concerned expression.

Naira: "What are you saying, Mumma? Of course we all love you."

Naitik: "Yes, Akshra, don't say such things. We all love you very much."

Akshra: "I know, I know. I was just kidding. But sometimes, it feels like you guys care more about Naira than me."

Naira: "That's not true, Mumma. We love you both equally and we'll always love you."

Akshra: "I know, beta. But I'm happy for Naira and Kartik's wedding. It's going to be a beautiful occasion."

Naitik: "Yes, and we still have a lot of preparations to do. We need to make sure everything is perfect for our princess's big day."

Naksh: Don't worry, Papa. I can take care of all the preparations.

Akshra: "I know you will. You are such responsible brother and son. I'm proud of you."

Naitik: "And we're proud of you too, Akshra. You're the backbone of our family. Without you, we wouldn't be where we are today."

Akshra: "Thank you, Naitik. That means a lot to me."

Naitik: (smiling) Thank you, Naksh. You always know how to make things better.

Akshra: (teasingly) Yes, our superhero is here to save the day.

Naksh: (laughing) Very funny, Mom.

Naira: (joining in) But seriously, Bhai, thank you. We couldn't have done this without you.

Naksh: (grinning) Of course, did you ever doubt me?

Everyone laughs and continues to enjoy their breakfast, feeling grateful for each other's support and love.

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