Chapter 9. Sewell

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As I stirred awake, I felt her subtle struggle to free herself from my embrace. I instinctively tightened my arm around her waist, holding her close, but gently turned her to face me. Her eyes, clouded with annoyance, met mine, and I could sense her frustration. The creases on her forehead and the pursing of her lips betrayed her displeasure, and I couldn't blame her - she was lost in a situation she couldn't understand.

I attempted to mask my emotions, but her piercing gaze seemed to see right through me. It was unnerving, a feeling I'd only experienced with my parents, particularly my father, who could read me like an open book. We locked eyes for what felt like an eternity - ten minutes of silence, our faces inches apart. The air was thick with tension, and I could feel her heartbeat against mine.

Finally, she broke the silence, her voice laced with a mix of exhaustion and determination. "Let go of me, I want to go home." I hesitated, reluctant to release her from my grasp. But I knew I had to, at least for now, until I could unravel the mysteries surrounding us. With a quiet sigh, I loosened my hold, allowing her to slip out of my arms, but my eyes never left hers, as if trying to imprint her image in my mind.

"Okay, but could you at least stay for dinner before heading back?" I asked, my voice laced with a hint of desperation, as I silently pleaded with the universe to grant me this small reprieve. I knew she had to leave eventually, but I couldn't bear the thought of her departing just yet.

To my relief, she agreed easily, "Okay, I'm quite hungry." I exhaled a silent sigh of gratitude, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders.

As she stepped into the bathroom, I released my hold on her waist, my arms feeling empty without her. I ran a hand through my hair, agitation simmering beneath the surface. How could I bridge the gap between us without scaring her off? I was trapped in a web of my own desires, unsure of how to navigate this delicate dance.

Five minutes later, we descended to the dining room via the elevator, walking side by side in an uncomfortable silence. The pack members' curious gazes followed us, their astonishment palpable as I pulled out a chair for my mate. My family's eyes met mine, a mix of surprise and understanding reflected in their expressions. I could sense their unspoken questions, but I offered no answers, unsure of how to articulate the turmoil brewing within me.

As I sat beside my mate, I took a plate and served her a generous portion of food, my hands brushing against hers as I placed it in front of her. Her lips curled up ever so slightly, a hint of a smile teasing me, and I felt a pang of longing. I yearned to see her smile fully, to witness the radiance that had captivated me when she spoke to that guy on the phone. My mind wandered back to that moment, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. But it was quickly replaced with relief when I realized she had been lying about him being her fiancé.

After we finished eating, the maids cleared the table and brought in an array of decadent desserts. The room was filled with the sweet scent of chocolate and the gentle hum of conversation. Then, out of the blue, she turned to me and asked, "Could you take me around the town tomorrow?" Her request caught me off guard, leaving me speechless. I never thought she'd want to spend time with me, let alone ask me to take her out.

She raised an eyebrow, her gaze piercing mine, as she prompted me again, "So?" The room fell silent, awaiting my response. I felt like I was drowning in her eyes, unsure of how to react. My mind raced with possibilities, but my voice remained trapped in my throat.

I shrugged, attempting nonchalance, and replied, "Okay, if that's what you want, we'll do it." But she shook her head, her expression dissenting.

"Do you want to go with me or not?" she asked, her voice tinged with frustration, as she leaned back into her chair. "That's the question I was trying to ask."

I met her gaze, my resolve firming. "Yes, I want to."

A hint of a smile played on her lips, and she murmured, almost to herself, "That's a better reply." But with our advanced hearing, we all caught the whispered words.

After dessert, I escorted her outside, where her motorcycle waited. She straddled the bike, and with a swift kick, the engine roared to life. I watched, transfixed, as she disappeared into the darkness, the taillight fading into the night.

As I walked back into the living room, I felt the weight of the females' disapproving gazes. Their disgust was palpable, but I'd grown accustomed to it. Yet, the thought of my mate sharing their sentiment was unbearable. I hoped that one day, she would see beyond the facade and glimpse the real me, rather than being repelled by my appearance. The thought sent a pang through my chest, and I sighed, feeling the familiar ache of longing.

My dad's eyes locked onto mine as I settled into the chair beside him. "So, how's she adjusting to your presence?" he asked, his voice low and thoughtful.

I shrugged, my gaze drifting around the room, acknowledging the pack members' attentive ears. "She's resisting the bond, but she's growing comfortable around me. It's as if she's hesitant to trust anyone, and I'm just a stranger to her - a nameless face, really." My words hung in the air, a candid admission of the challenges I faced in bridging the gap between us.

The pack members' expressions ranged from curious to concerned, their interest piqued by the intricacies of my mate's behavior. My dad's eyes, however, held a deeper understanding, a knowing glint that spoke of his own experiences with my mother. He nodded thoughtfully, his expression encouraging me to continue.

"She's strong and special that I can assure you. She isn't someone who can be won over easily but I know you are an exception and I know she could feel it, I saw it in her eyes for a split second so don't give up and everything would be fine hopefully," my mom assured me firmly which I hummed at not sure if that was true though.

****Zara's P.O.V****

As I stepped into my bedroom, a deep sigh escaped my lips, betraying my exhaustion. Despite having slept enough, fatigue still clung to me like a shroud. I kicked off my shoes and jacket, letting them fall to the floor with a soft thud. In the closet, I shed my clothes, dropping them into the laundry basket with a sense of relief. A quick shower beckoned, and I surrendered to its warm embrace, letting the water wash away the remnants of the day.

Afterward, I slipped into a comfortable white cotton short and a vibrant red t-shirt, feeling the softness envelop my skin. As I settled onto the bed, my phone became my lifeline, connecting me to my brother's cheerful voice on the second ring.

"Hello, sis," he chimed in, his warmth instantly soothing my frazzled nerves.

We chatted, our conversation flowing effortlessly, and I shared my plan for him to join me until he finished senior year. His agreement was music to my ears, and we sealed the arrangement with a promise of Carl's assistance. As we bid each other goodnight, my mind began to wander, conjuring the enigmatic figure of the masked young man.

He exudes a potent blend of handsomeness, masculinity, and power, his presence commanding attention with every deliberate step. His aura is a heady mix of danger and intrigue, drawing me in like a moth to a flame. I've never encountered a man who can dominate a room with such ease, his very presence seeming to bend the air around him to his will.

His movements are purposeful, each step a testament to the years of discipline and dedication that have honed his physique into a masterpiece of muscle and sinew. I find myself spellbound by this enigmatic figure, my gaze tracing the contours of his face, the sharp jawline, and the piercing eyes that seem to see right through me.

He's a paradox, a puzzle I'm desperate to solve - a complex tapestry of power, mystery, and allure, woven together with threads of danger and intrigue. And I, helpless and entranced, can only surrender to the fascination that grips me, a willing captive to the allure of this captivating stranger.

His eyes, a kaleidoscope of emotions, haunted me - fear, pain, confusion, and hope swirling together in a mesmerizing dance. I couldn't explain why, but a deep-seated desire to comfort him stirred within me, leaving me both fascinated and unsettled. The memory of the females' revulsion and apprehension toward him sparked a fierce protectiveness, surprising even myself.

As my thoughts swirled, my CEO persona kept my emotions in check, preventing me from unraveling. Eventually, exhaustion claimed me, and I succumbed to sleep, unaware of the tumultuous journey ahead.

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