meeting ellie

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so turns out I'm immune to the virus. Yeah I'm immune to the fucking virus. One minute I'm out hunting for food and the next I get bit by some zombie. Before I got bit it was only me and my mum but now I have no idea where she is or if she is even looking for me. Sadly for me after I got bit I was found by some girl named Marlene who is trying to make a cure for the virus and basically kidnapped me. Bitch. But she also said I wasn't the only immune girl and there is also a girl named Ellie, I haven't met her yet but today I am because we are being taken to the fireflies together. "Come on, get your stuff it's time to go." Marlene said entering the room I was in. I grabbed my backpack and walked nervously behind her to go get Ellie. I know it sounds stupid but I was really nervous to meet Ellie it had been ages since I talked to someone my own age. We went into another room and there Ellie was sitting on the floor. She was really pretty. "Ellie this is y/n" Marlene said looking at the girl. Ellie looked at me and I'm not gonna lie she looked kinda pissed off. "Hi y/n" Ellie said while looking you up and down. "You guys can get to know each over while I get all our stuff ready to leave." Marlene quickly says before leaving the room. For a minute me and Ellie are silent before I try to break the silence. "So uh" before I can finish I get cut off by the sound of a gunshot outside. "What the fuck was that" I say staring at the door with wide eyes. "A gunshot obviously" Ellie says while walking towards the door holding her knife. "Wow you can't seriously be thinking about going out there!" I say nervously. "We can't just wait in here for fucking ever" she says grabbing my wrist to drag me along with her. The minute she opens the door she yelps getting thrown to the floor by some man and making me fall on top of her. I immediately get off of her and look up at the man trying to ignore the butterflies I got from being that close to Ellie. "Joel?" I hear Marlene's voice and look at her seeing she is hurt. "Marlene?" The man responds looking at her. "Who the fuck is Joel" I whisper to Ellie. She ignores my question trying to grab her knife from under Joel's shoe. I look behind the man and see a women who I assume is named Tess since I heard Joel saying her name earlier. They all start bickering until I'm basically zoned out but then something catches my attention. "We we're gonna move Ellie and y/n out of the zone tonight but we won't make it anywhere like this not for a while anyway, so now I'm thinking your gonna do it" Marlene says while Joel's face immediately starts showing his anger and confusion. "Were not going with them!" Ellie yells desperately at Marlene while I just sit there not really giving two shits at this point. "We don't smuggle humans" Joel says while looking at Tess. "Who are they" Tess says moving her gaze to us. "They are cargo" Marlene answers. "There is a team of fireflies waiting for them at the old state house, you get them there safely we will give you what you need." Marlene continued. Joel and Tess share a glance before Joel nods at Marlene to say they will take us. Ellie attempts to get her knife again and Joel kicks it away. "Asshole" Ellie gets up and grabs her knife while I follow her trying to figure out what the fuck just happened. We walk through the rain and eventually get to where Tess and Joel live. "Give is a minute" Tess says closing the door on me and Ellie. "What the fuck" Ellie says but the door is already shut before she can keep talking. Ellie starts to look around the room. I watch her feeling kind of awkward since we have barely had a chance to talk that much and now we are both in some strangers house together. She starts to look at a book and then says "hey look at this I think the radio is a smuggling code." She says walking towards me showing the book. I have absolutely no fucking idea what that means but I was not gonna tell her that. "Oh cool" I say trying to seem normal. Joel walks into the room and sits down. "So who is bill and frank, the radio is a smuggling code right?" Ellie says looking at him "60s song, we don't have anything new, 70s we've got new stuff. What's 80s?" Ellie says waiting for a response. Joel snatches the book from her and lays on the couch trying to fall asleep. "What are you doing" I finally speak up. "Killing time" Joel says lazily. "Well what are we supposed to do." Ellie says clearly pissed off. "I'm sure you'll figure that out" he responds closing his eyes again. After a minute of staring at Joel blankly I finally sit down. I expected Ellie to stay away from me because she didn't seem like she liked me that much but instead she came and sat next to me and started reading the book from earlier, every now and then stealing glances at me. Maybe we will become friends I thought to myself eventually falling asleep next to her.

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