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"Are you okay" Joel says looking at Tess. "Twisted ankle that's all" Tess winced. "What about you, are you okay el" I say not even realising the nickname I just gave her. "Well I didn't shit my pants so." Ellie said while rolling up her sleeve to see a new bite. "You fucking kidding me? I mean if it was gonna happen to one of us." Ellie said rubbing the bite. "Let's get the fuck outta here." Tess said while climbing out a window onto the roof while we follow behind her. Ellie looks at the plank separating the two buildings and says "other there?" "Yeah I know it looks scary" Joel replies tiredly. "That was scary this is wood" Ellie says while walking across like it's nothing as I follow behind her. "Just wait there give us a minute!" Joel yelled. Ellie looks at the surrounding while the sun shines down on her face. I couldn't help but stare at her. "Your staring at me" Ellie says smiling but not making eye contact with me. "I am not" I said playfully hitting her arm. Tess and Joel walk up behind us. "Come on let's get there before it's dark" Tess says in a desperate tone. Something seemed wrong with Tess and it was making me worry but I didn't say anything. We eventually get to the building and Tess immediately starts panicking. At first I don't know why but then I notice the dead firefly on the floor. Tess grabs Ellie's arm and my arm dragging us into the building. All the fireflies are dead. "Well I guess we are fucked" I whisper to Ellie. "I mean there has got to be a fucking radio or something right?" Tess says looking around panicked. "Who killed them, fedra?" I asked staring at the bodies. "No one of them got bit, the healthy ones fought the sick ones. Everyone lost." Joel said moving to show me to bite mark on one of them. "Where did Marlene say she was taking you guys?" Tess asked me. "I don't know just west" I said confused while Ellie agreed. "One of thems gotta have a map or something on them right?" Tess blurted still panicked. "Tess it's over we are going home." Joel said angrily. "That's not my fucking home! I'm staying here, I mean our luck had to run out sooner or later right?" Tess sniffled. "Fuck, she's infected." Ellie said from behind me. "Show me" Joel demanded. Tess showed her bite mark which was dark red and getting worse. "Oops right?" Tess said trying to hide her sadness. "Take your bandage off" Tess said to Ellie. Ellie did as she was told and you could see both of her bites looked fine. "Joel this is fucking real, y/n and Ellie are real!" Tess said trying to convince Joel. "I need you to get them to bill and franks they will take them off your hands." Tess said ignoring Joel who kept repeating no. "your going to do it and your going to keep them alive" Tess said as Joel could barely talk. "Oh fuck" Ellie yelped as a infected who was on the floor tried to grab her making Joel shoot it. "Oh shit infected are coming" Joel yelled. "How many?" I asked. "All of them." He said panicked. Tess started to pour gasoline she found onto the floor. "What are you doing." Ellie panted. "Making sure they don't follow you" Tess replies. Tess looks at Joel and says "Joel, save who you can save."  Joel then grabs both me and Ellie. "No get off of us you fucker!" Ellie screams. "We can't leave her!" I also scream hitting him. After a few seconds of getting out the building it blew up and fire was everywhere. I could feel tears welling in my eyes. I hadn't know Tess long but something about her just made me feel safe. Ellie stared at me and after a second she hugged me. The hug didn't last long but it helped me feel a bit safer. I guess we are going to go find whoever bill and frank is now.

sorry if this part is kinda short I just thought Tess should have her own separate part cuz i love her sm lol

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