It ends the way it ends

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"What's that?" Ellie says pointing at the piece of paper in my hand. "Nothing!"I Yelp throwing it at Sam while he pulls a stupid smirking face at me. Sam gets more paper and starts writing while I nervously sit there hoping he doesn't expose me. He hands Ellie the paper "y/n reallyyyyyyy likes you" Ellie starts to write a note to give him. "Yeah I'm amazing." She hands it to him putting her arm over my shoulder. I breath in happy that she didn't realise what way Sam meant. Or maybe she did? Later when it gets dark we leave. Every now and then as we walked Sam would push me closer to Ellie and I would Immediately move away from her again. Ellie could definitely tell me and Sam knew something she didn't. "No ones here, and no one is gonna be here because my plan worked." Henry says trying to piss off Joel. "So much goddam talking." Joel says. "I'm just saying I delivered." Henry giggles. "So we cross the river and then what where are you guys gonna go." Ellie asks Henry and Sam. "Don't know yet." Henry answers. "Well we are going to Wyoming" I say. Joel's gives me a look. "What it's a huge state it can fit to more people." I say annoyed. "He will change his mind trust me this is how it goes he's like "no Ellie and y/n never ever,ever happening" and then I'm like I'm gonna ask you a thousand more times!" Ellie says to Henry getting cut off by a gun shot. "Move,move go!" Joel screams and we all hide behind a car.Ellie holds my hand while we hide making Sam smirk at me. I just stare at him in disbelief that he can be thinking about that during a time like this. "Im gonna go around, try and get into the house from the back." Joel says to us. "But if you go out there he's gonna kill you!" I say to him. "It's dark and he has shit aim I'll be fine." He says running towards the building. Eventually he gets there but then we hear him screaming "run!" From the window. We see the cars coming towards us as joel starts shooting at them from the window . I also start shooting at them. Ellie grabs my waist pulling me close to her. And then of course Sam starts smirking at us again. "What the fuck is wrong with this kid." I think to myself. Because of Sam smirking like an idiot I try to sneakily get out of Ellie's grip and she notices. "What are you doing we have to stay close." Ellie says making Sam nod at me smirking. My face heats up. Ellie looks at me and then back at Sam and notices our intense eye contact. "Oh I get it now." She smirks. SHE GETS WHAT??? DOES SHE KNOW?????!!!!!! I need to calm down people are literally trying to kill us right now. We hide behind a car while Henry starts to talk with the leader of the people that were looking for us. "Henry come out of hiding." She keeps telling him over and over and trying to convince him to just give up. Henry looks at me and Ellie and says "get ready to take him and run." Referring to Sam. Henry gets up and shows himself. "It ends the way it ends." The woman says about to shoot him. But then suddenly loads of infected come running at us. The fire must have got there attention. Me, ellie sam and Henry start running trying to get out of there while Joel shoots at any infected in our way. But then a clicker jumps onto me. I scream and kick it. Right before it can hurt me joel shoots it. I sit up breathing heavy and whimpering. Ellie runs up to me and helps me up. "Shhh it's okay I've got you." She says pulling me along with her. And then we see a really big fucking infected that looks like it's just made of fungus. Luckily it doesn't see us or come near us. I shoot an infected that was attacking Henry while Ellie stabs one that was attacking sam. Eventually we finally get the fuck out of there. We find an abandoned building to sleep at for the night. Me Ellie and Sam share a room. I sit on the bed watching Ellie read sam comics. Henry walks in and signs to Sam "you need sleep." After Sam agrees and gets in his bed Henry leaves. "Goodnight." I say to Henry as he closes the door behind him. Sam gets back up and grabs his note pad. He keeps giving ellie notes back and forth until something catches my attention. Bite mark. I walk up to Sam and gently grab his arm. "Oh fuck." Ellie says as tears start welling in her eyes. She grabs her knife and makes a small cut on her hand. "Ellie stop!" I say. "I have to try and save him!" She says back to me putting her blood on his cut. She gives him a note that says "my blood is medicine." We both stay awake with Sam for a while until he falls asleep and we both get into bed together. " I don't think I will be able to sleep." I say to Ellie. "Same but we should both try, I hope sam is okay in the morning." She replies. "But what if he's not?" I say my voice breaking. Ellie wraps her arms around my waist so she is spooning me to try and comfort me while I hold her hand. After ages of laying like this I fall asleep with Ellie watching me and Sam.

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