why are you ignoring me?

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"We aren't looking for trouble we are just passing through!" Joel says putting his hands up. "You been near infected?" One of the men asks. "No there isn't any infected around." Joel replies. The man whistles making a dog come over. "If you've been infected he will smell it on you and rip you up." The man says talking about the dog. The dog walks up to Joel and sniffs him but doesn't hurt him. What if the dog smells something on me or Ellie? I don't move as the dog walks up to me and starts sniffing me. I hold my breath but then the dog starts licking me and trying to play. I start giggling making Ellie come over to play with the dog too. I look at Joel who looks terrified making me smile at him to try and make him feel better. "What are you guys doing out here?" The man asks. "Just looking for my brother." Joel replies. A woman comes forward on her horse and says "what's your name?" "Joel." "Come with us" she says. Me and Ellie get on a horse together. She sits on the back of the horse and wraps her arms around my waist. My face heats up, what is wrong with me I'm supposed to be over this whole crush thing. We eventually get to their town. There are lots of kids our age which I'm not used to. And then Joel saw a man and yelled "Tommy!" He got of his horse and ran up to Tommy hugging him. "I didn't know Joel knew how to Hug people." I whispered to Ellie making her giggle. We all go inside and Tommy gets us food. Joel is talking to Tommy and maria when I notice a boy me and Ellie's age walk in. He stares at me and then winks. I blush but not because I liked it, it was because I felt embarrassed. "What the fuck are you staring at!" Ellie yells at the boy. "What's wrong with you?" Joel asks. "He was winking at y/n!" Ellie replies. "He probably just thought she was pretty." Maria says. I sit there feeling my face turning red. Was Ellie jealous? Tommy sighs and says "how about a tour?"  We walk around the town. I can feel Ellie staring at me. "Sheep!" I yell happily as I see them. "Hey Joel check it, baaaaa." Ellie says to Joel. Ellie walks up to one of the horses and says "what's her name?" "Shimmer" maria replies. "Aww cute." I say standing with Ellie to pet shimmer. Ellie doesn't look at me. What is her problem? "I can take Ellie and y/n to shower and get new clothes while you two catch up." Maria says to Joel. "Yeah okay." Joel replies. Ellie still doesn't even look at me or acknowledge me. We get to a house and go upstairs with Maria. "You guys can share this room." She says. "Okay I'm gonna go shower." I say. After I shower I get dressed and go back into me and Ellies room. She is sitting on the bed and has also taken a shower. I look at her and try to start conversation "maria seems nice." I say. She ignores me. I hate being ignored so I say "what is wrong with you why do you keep ignoring me?" She looks up at me now and glares. "Did I do something wrong?" I ask. "No" she whispers looking down. "Then what is it?" I ask. She gets up and walks over to me. "That boy who winked at you. Did you like him?" She asks. "Of course not I didn't even talk to him!" I reply. "And so what if I did?" I ask. Ellie stares at my lips. I can feel my face heating up. She moves closer and leans in but just before our lips could touch she says smirking "we need to go find maria." What the fuck just happened. Did we almost just kiss? After just standing there staring at the wall for a minute I start following Ellie to find maria. We get to Maria's house and the door is already open so we just go in. I can't focus at all I just keep thinking about what just happened. Maria walks in and hands me and Ellie both matching coats. "What do you think?" Maria asks after we both put our coats on. "They are super fucking purple." I say giggling. "Who's been cutting your hair?" Maria asks Ellie. "Uh world class salons." Ellie replies. "Let me get my scissors." Maria says. Ellie sits down as I sit next to her. "I don't like people touching my hair especially with scissors." Ellie says flinching on purpose every time maria puts the scissors near her. "Hold y/ns hand if your so scared." Maria said trying to tease Ellie but was surprised when Ellie actually grabbed my hand. "Sure." Ellie says smirking at me making me look down.

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