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"Fuck, holy shit" Tess says as we finally get to the right floor. "Come on it wasn't that bad." Ellie said while laughing. "You try climbing ten fucking floors with our knees see how you feel." Tess says referring to her and Joel. We walk to the end of a hall way that has been blocked off by rubble. "When the fuck did that happen." Tess says. "All right well I mean maybe I could climb up there." Tess continues staring up at the rubble. "No me and y/n are the smallest so it would be easier for one of us to get through." Ellie says trying to avoid being left alone with Joel. "But if one of you dies we get nothing so both of you stay." Tess says as she gets lifted up by Joel and climbs through. "You good up there?" Joel calls up to Tess. "Yeah but its a bit of a mess so I'm gonna need a couple minutes." Joel and Ellie awkwardly sit on the floor so I follow them and sit next to Ellie. Ellie starts to do tricks with her knife and I have to admit it was really fucking cool, she could definitely see me watching her from the corner of her eye. "Nice knife" Joel says to Ellie. She gives him a quick look and then starts to do tricks again. "Where did you learn to do that?" Joel says trying to start a conversation again. "The circus" Ellie says making me try and hide a laugh. Joel sighs obviously fed up with this shit but I kinda feel bad for him so I try and make conversation "where are you from?" He looks up and almost smiles "Texas". "What about Tess?" I ask. "Detroit it's in Michigan" Joel replies. "I got to school I know where Detroit is and I'm sure y/n knows too." Ellie says coldly. "So you too like a-" Ellie doesn't get to finish before Joel says "pass" "how long do infected live?" Ellie asks. "Oh I thought you went to school." Joel replies smugly. "It's a really shitty one." Ellie said. "Well some last about a month or two but there's others that have been walking around about 20 years." Joel explains. Then Tess bursts through the door next to us startling Joel. "Come on let's go" Tess says. We all follow Tess until we reach the top of the building. Looking down we could see loads of infected down below. Tess looks at me and Ellie and says "you guys aren't immune from being ripped apart so I need you both to be careful" we both nod. "Come on let's go through the museum." Tess says as she starts to walk. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me." Ellie mutters staring at the museum. "It will be fine." Tess assured Ellie and me. But then Tess and Joel grab flashlights. "No you can't be serious." I whisper loud enough for them to hear. "Get your flashlights out." Joel says watching us take them out. While rummaging through my bag I also take out a box cutter because it was the only weapon I have. "Seriously a box cutter" Ellie giggled. "Well I didn't have a wide fucking range of weapons to choose from." I answered her. "Jeez sorry" Ellie said smirking at me making me roll my eyes. As soon as we start looking around Ellie finds a dead man who didn't look like he had been dead that long. "Jesus what the fuck did that." Ellie stuttered. "Maybe he got attacked outside and crawled his way in here." Tess said desperately trying to think of a explanation. "All right from this point forward we are silent not quiet silent" Joel demanded. We climbed up the stairs until we got to a room with lots of antique looking furniture. When we got through the door we could not turn back because rubble fell blocking the door making Ellie and Tess fall over. I helped Ellie up and Joel helped Tess up. Then I froze. Clickers. I was fucking terrified and couldn't move until I felt Ellie's arm wrap around my waist forcing me to walk with her. Joel looked at me and Ellie mouthing the words "they can't see but they can hear." And then Ellie breathed a bit too loud while still gripping my waist. And just like that the clickers came running at us. Joel started shooting one and screamed "run!" At me,Tess and Ellie. As me tess and Ellie ran we ended up getting separated from Tess so it was just us crawling across the room. We sat in a corner not realising in the moment that we were hugging each over until Joel appeared and we quickly stopped hugging. We tried to crawl past the last clicker with Joel but the clicker heard us and tackled Joel. Luckily Tess came and shot it. "Are you okay?" Ellie said looking at me still in shock. "Yeah I think so"

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