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Ok I know this chapter is short but I'm busy lol I promise I will make next chapter super long to make up for it.

I wake up to Ellie's voice saying "ew what the fuck is that!" As she smells Joel's coffee. "You don't like coffee?" Joel asks getting no response. "Morning" Ellie says giving me a small hug. We get all our stuff packed up and get in the car. Of course Ellie decides to sit next to me in the back. "That smells like burnt shit." Ellie says talking about Joel's coffee. He and  slurps the coffee very loudly and says to Ellie "eyes on the map" "what's his name I ask" staring at Joel. "Who" he replies. "Your brother." "Tommy" joel continues. "Why isn't he with you?" Ellie speaks up. "Long story." Joel says looking down. "Is it longer than 24 hours because I think that's what we got." Ellie giggled. Joel starts to tell his story but I'm so tired that my eyes are starting to shut. Joel looks at me and sees how tired I am. He stops his story and says, "you got up pretty early if you wanna grab more sleep." I jump up startled "im not even tired" I say confidently. I fell asleep a few minutes later causing Joel and Ellie to secretly laugh at me. I wake up with my head on Ellie's shoulder. What is wrong with me it's the second time I've done this. Ellie hasn't noticed that I am awake so I just sit there trying to think of how to get off of her without her knowing im awake. Unluckily for me Joel noticed I was awake. "Hi y/n" he says making Ellie look down at me. "Comfortable?" She asks me laughing. I quickly get off of her. A minute later Joel and Ellie start arguing. "Where the fuck is the highway?" He asks. "I can't tell from this I'm all turned around." She responds confused. "Don't look at the state map look at the inset." "I don't know where we are on that either it's my second day in a fucking car man." Ellie yells at him. I look at the map trying to help "I think we are heading north?" I say. And then we see the guy. "Help!" He yells at us holding what looks like a wound. "Put your seatbelts on." Joel demands "aren't we gonna help him?" I ask. "No he aint even hurt." Joel says driving towards him fast. The guy jumps out the way and more people appear. They start throwing stuff at our car like bricks until we crash into a shop. "You guys okay?" Joel asks me and Ellie panicked. "Yeah" me and Ellie both respond. We get out the car as gun shots start firing at it. Joel grabs his gun to shoot back. Joel's looks at a pretty big hole in the wall and then looks at me and Ellie saying "you see that hole can you guys squeeze through?" Me and Ellie nod and both quickly go through the hole which leads to another smaller room. I peak through the hole trying to see what's happening to Joel and then the same guy from earlier jumps on him attacking him. Eventually the guy gets on top of Joel and starts choking him. I need to do something. But Ellie only has her knife I think, but then I remember the gun I stole. I grab it out of my bag and go to leave to hole. "Where the fuck are you going!" Ellie says grabbing my hand. I show her the gun. "Holy shit how did you get that!" Ellie said shocked. "I stole it at bill and franks when Joel wasn't looking, I need to help him." Ellie thinks for a second and finally let's go of my hand saying "ok be careful."I walk up to Joel and shoot the man on top of him in the leg. Joel gasps for air as the man screams in pain falling off of him.

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