5 hour hike

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"You want your jacket back?" Ellie said to Joel startling me, he only shook his head. Me and Ellie were both sat against a tree together with Joel after Tess died. I was still very shaken from it all and missed Tess. I leaned my head against Ellie's shoulder and surprisingly she let me. "I've never been in the woods, more bugs than I thought" Ellie spoke up. Ellie sighs "look I've been thinking about-" "I don't want your sorries" Joel said cutting her off. "I wasn't gonna say I'm sorry I was gonna say I have been thinking about what happened, nobody made you or Tess take us." Ellie said sternly. "So don't blame us for something that isn't our fault" Ellie finishes and Joel nods in agreement. Me and Ellie stand up to walk over to Joel "how much longer until we get there." "5 hour hike" he responds. "We can manage that" Ellie says smiling softly at me. After a while after walking Ellie says "you've gone this way a lot, no infected?" "Not normally no?" Joel says calmly. "Then what are you looking out for?" I say confused. "People" he answers. "How did you get that scar on your head?" Ellie asks Joel. He only sighs and looks at his shoes. "What is it something lame like you fell down the stairs?" Ellie giggled making me laugh too. "I didn't fall down any stairs, someone shot at me and missed." Joel said annoyed. I look at Joels gun and say. "You know seeing as it's just the three of us I think I should probably-" Joel's cuts me off for like the 50th time since we met and says "your not getting a gun." Ellie laughs at my bad attempt to get a gun. We approach a building and Joel's says "I have to get some stuff I stashed." "Stashed? Why do you have stuff stashed here?" Ellie questions. "You ask a lot of goddamn questions" Joel lazily says. "I'm gonna take a look around see if there's anything good" Ellie says dragging me with her. "Trust me it's all been picked over all ready." Joel yells to us. "Maybe maybe not, is there anything bad in here" ellie asks. Joel looks up and says "just you guys" "funny" I say following behind Ellie. We walk into a room and she notices a door to a basement. "Ellie no" I say trying to be atleast a bit sensible. "Ellie yes" she replies while opening it smiling. She jumps in. "Ellie wait come back!" I yell down at her. "Come down I will catch you!" She yells back at me. "Fine." I say as I jump. She catches me and helps me to my feet. I started blushing because of being so close to her. I know I should be used to it by now but I'm just not, wait do I have a crush on her? Nahhhhhhh. "Oooo look tampons, fuck yeah." Ellie says grabbing the box. And then we hear it. There is a fucking infected. I hide behind Ellie holding her arm. "Calm down its stuck under the rubble" she says comforting me. She sits infront of the infected. "What the fuck are you doing get away from that fucking thing!" I say scared of it still. She gets her knife and makes a small cut on its forehead. "Gross" Ellie says staring at the cut she made. We get out of the basement and Ellie walks up to Joel saying "picked over my ass" while showing off the tampons. We all left and continued our way to bill and franks. " how did the apocalypse even start? If you have to be bit to be infected who bit the first person? Was it a monkey? I bet it was a monkey!" Ellie said loading loads of questions onto Joel at once. "It wasn't a monkey, I thought you went to school?" Joel said shocked by the fact one girl could talk this much. "Fedra school, they don't teach us how their shitty government failed to prevent a pandemic."  Ellie says still wanting answers. "No one knows for sure but best guess codyceps mutated and some of it got into the food supply, probably a basic ingredient like flour or sugar. You eat enough of it you'll get infected." Joel explains. Joel's stops us "we'll cut across the woods here." "Isn't the road easier" I ask. "Yeah it's just there's some stuff up there I don't want you guys to see." Joel replies. "Well now I have to see" I say smirking trying to piss him off. "Y/n come back" joel calls out to me as I keep walking. "Can it hurt me?" I ask. "No" joel says not knowing what to say. "Your too honest man should have said axe murderer." I say as Ellie follows me laughing. "Oh shit maybe you were right." I say as I see the skeletons on the floor. "When the outbreak happened if there wasn't room for you in the qz you would end up here." Joel said staring at the skeletons sympathetically. "Come on we are almost there" Joel's starts walking again.

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