you like ellie

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I looked at the man who I had just shot in the leg. He was crying and begging for his life. I couldn't move. I just fucking shot somebody. Joel put his hand out to me and I gave him the gun. "Get back behind the wall." Joel said looking at me. The man continued to cry as he begged me not to go knowing that if I did Joel would shoot him. I turned around and went back to the wall while I could still hear the man crying. I went back into the wall as Ellie stared at me. She had seen everything I did. I felt a tear roll down my cheek while I could still hear the man crying. Ellie pulled me into a hug while covering my ears so I wouldn't have to hear him. "Ellie, I can't fit through the hole I gotta get in there." Joel yelled to her. Ellie looked at me cupping my face with her hands and then she wiped my tears before yelling back to Joel saying "there is some stuff in front of the door I'll move it so you can come in that way!" Joel came through the door and looked at me probably noticing the tear stains on my cheeks. "I'm ok, I'm good." I said to him. "What now?" I ask trying to pretend I wasn't crying like 2 fucking seconds ago. "We go up, hopefully we spot a clear route out." Joel replies. Me and Ellie follow behind Joel. We enter a new building while Joel looks out the windows trying to figure out who the people that attacked us were. "They're not fedra and they're not fireflies so who are they?" Ellie asks. "People" Joel replies bluntly. "Are we ok in here" I speak up. "For a little bit maybe, looks like they are checking out apartment buildings first." Joel says still looking outside. We all sit down together on the floor. Joel looks upset. "Are you okay." I ask him. "I'm alright,are you all right?" he says looking at me. "Yeah." I say as I feel Ellie's hand brush against mine. Joel looks at me again "you shouldn't have had to shoot that guy." He says. "Well your glad I did right?" I reply. " I'm not good at this" joel sighs. "Yeah your not" I answer giggling a bit. "What I mean is it was my fault and I'm sorry." Joel says in a honest tone. I wipe my eyes feeling embarrassed from the tears coming in them again. Joel gets out my gun from earlier and hands it to me. Joel shows me how to hold it properly. "Put it in your pack you'll shoot your damn ass off" Joel says to me. Of course I don't listen and the minute he looks away I put it in my pocket. By the time it's dark we get to a new building. We make our way up the stairs of the building while me and Ellie laugh at how much Joel struggles. We get up like 3 floors before Joel sits down breathing all heavy. "Come on get up." Ellie says putting her hand out to him. "Give me a minute" he begs. "Get up you lazy ass." Ellie demands. Joel gets up and says "lazy ass I'm 56 years old you little shit."  Ellie and me make our beds right next to each over making me face heat up again. We all lie down and say goodnight to each over and Its quiet for all of 10 seconds. "Guys?" Ellie asks. "Yeah?" Me and Joel say "did you know diarrhoea is hereditary?" She says. "What?" Joel replies while I just stare at her like wtf. "Yeah it runs in your jeans." She says smirking. I start laughing and Joel can't hold it in anymore as he starts laughing too. "You laughed mother fucker!" I say noticing him laughing making Ellie start laughing even more. "I didn't laugh" he lies. "Go to sleep" he says trying to hide his laughs. Me and Ellie stare at each over for a while still smiling about the stupid joke. "Thanks for comforting me today, im sorry I cried." I whisper to Ellie. "It's ok, and you don't have to apologise it happens." She whispers back running a hand through my hair making me fall asleep. A few hours later I hear "Joel, y/n wake up!" I open my eyes. She has a gun to her head. "You don't have to worry about what to say, we don't wanna hurt you we wanna help you." The man says to Joel while another young boy points a gun at him. "Can I sit up" Joel asks. "Yeah, slowly" the man responds. "Who are you?" Joel says after sitting up. "My names Henry and that's my brother Sam." Henry answers. After joel finshes being a stubborn asshole we all sit down together and share food. "Where did you get this?" Henry asks talking about the food. "From bill, he's dead." I answer. "He says thank you." Henry says pointing at his little brother who I'm now realising is deaf. "How old is he?" I ask. "He's 8" Henry responds. "Cool." I say back. "I'm y/n" I say to both of them. "I'm Ellie" Ellie says slapping Joel's arm. "I'm Joel, look you are we didn't kill each over let's call this a win win and move on " Joel says a few seconds later. "Well I'm betting yall came up here to get a view of the city and plan a ways out and when the suns up I'll show you one." Henry says to Joel. The next day when the sun has came up I sit at a table with Sam and Ellie while Joel and Henry talk for ages. We all laugh telling each over jokes and messing around, it felt nice to be around people the around same age as me. "Haven't heard that in a long time." I hear Henry say talking about Sam laughing. Henry starts talking about the plan to us and says we are going to go throw the tunnels. We enter the tunnels as Joel says to me "get your gun out." I take it out of my pocket smirking while Joel looks pissed off because I didn't put it in my backpack. "You see its empty the plan is good." Henry says. "The plan is good? We have been down here 2 seconds we don't know shit." Joel responds being grumpy like always. We enter what look like a place for children since the walls are covered in drawings. "I heard about places like this people went underground after outbreak day, built settlements." Joel says looking around. "What happened to them?" Ellie asks. "Maybe they didn't follow the rules and all got infected" he says turning to look at me and Ellie. Me Ellie and Sam sit down looking at comics. " no way I love these!" Ellie says to me and Sam. I feel her hand brush against mine as my face heats up. "I'll be right back I gotta ask Joel something." Ellie says getting up. Sam turns to me and starts writing on the paper he has. He passes it to me and it says "you like Ellie". My face goes even more red. I start writing on it "of course I do she's my friend" I hand it back to him.Sam starts writing again "No you like, like her" Ellie comes and sits with us again as I hide the paper Sam just handed to me.

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