"I would wanna stay with you"

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I woke up to the sound of screams. Ellie's screams, I ran out of bed and saw Sam on top  of Ellie. He was one of the infected now. Joel went to shoot Sam but Henry grabbed a gun and pointed it at him. "Get him the fuck off of her please!" I screamed at Joel and Henry. And then Henry shot Sam. I couldn't move and neither could Ellie or Henry who was obviously fucking traumatised from what he just did. "Are you ok?" Joel asked Ellie. She just nodded not being able to say anything. "What did I do?" Henry said stuttering while Joel tried to get the gun. "Henry no!" Joel screamed as Henry shot himself. Ellie cried as I hugged her still sitting on the floor. Later we bury there bodies next to eachover. I stare at the graves with tears in my eyes. The night before I had actually felt hopeful for the future but now this had happened.

3 months later

It has been 3 months and my feelings for Ellie have only gotten stronger. But I have also made a very strong friendship with her that I don't wanna ruin so I have been trying to get over my feelings for her. Me joel and Ellie had just broken into some random peoples house because Joel wanted to figure out where we are so we can find Tommy. "Can we come down?" Ellie yelled to Joel. "No guys-" joel was cut off since me and Ellie both already ran downstairs. "What did I just say?" He asked us. "Joel come on their like 1000." I say. "Who are these little psychos?" The man who owned the house said. "Ignore them, I need you to tell me where we are on this map." Joel said pointing at the map. "If you've got a map why are you lost?" The man asked him. "Must have missed as the street signs in the enormous fucking forest." Ellie says. Joel eventually gets the man to tell us to go east. He also says if we go west we will be faced with the river of death. Great. As we leave I grab one of the rabbits the man left outside from going hunting. "Put that back." Joel says. I ignore him. Joel stops for a second. "Joel are you okay?" I ask as he doesn't respond. "Holy shit are you dying because just a reminder if your dead we are fucked!" Ellie says. "I'm fine, it's just the cold air all of a sudden." Joel keeps walking. "Alright let's go find Tommy and the fireflies then." Ellie says linking arms with me. After a while of walking we see a river. "The river of death." Ellie says to me. "Scary" I reply. "Don't start, it's getting dark there is some caves across the river we can set up camp and cross tomorrow." Joel said. "Good I'm starving, you should have stolen two rabbits." Ellie says to me. We set up camp and Joel makes a fire. Joel starts to drink some alcohol making Ellie look at him and say "give me some just to warm up!" "Give me some too!" I say wanting to try it. He passes it to Ellie first and she takes a sip "gross." She says handing it to me. I drink some and even though it's bitter I kinda like it. I go to take another sip but Joel stops me saying. "No more." And he snatches it from me. "So I've been thinking we find the fireflies and it all works out, then what? Like what do we do?" Ellie asks me and Joel. "It's we?" He asks. "Fine what do you do." She says to him. "Maybe an old farmhouse, some land. I would raise sheep." Joel says. "Why sheep?" I ask. "They are quiet and do what their told." He says making me glare at him. "What about you y/n?" Ellie smiles. I think for a second. I wasn't really sure what I would wanna do but I knew I would wanna stay with Ellie. Would it be weird if I said that? "I don't know." I groan. "Come on you have to think of something." Ellie says. "I um" I say not being able to finish. "You what?" she asks. "I would wanna stay with you." I say sort of embarrassed. Ellie's cheeks turn red as she giggles "I was kinda hoping you would say that." "Well where would you guys go?" Joel asks us. "It's probably because I grew up in the qz but I've always wanted to go to the moon." Ellie says looking at me. "It will work right the vaccine." I say looking down. "It's a bit late to start wondering, anyway you two get some sleep I'll take both watches." Joel answers me seeing I'm worried. I lie down and fall asleep. I wake up to the sound of Ellie's voice. "Wake up y/n!" She says in a sweet voice moving a loose hair behind my ear. I sit up sleepily. "Joel's pissed at me because he fell asleep and I took second watch." She giggled. I groan putting my head on her shoulder. "Someone's tired." She laughs. We continue our journey to find Tommy and the fireflies and us being our unlucky selves we find another river. "Hey Joel what if this is the river of death?" I ask. He checks the map. It is. Before we can react loads of people on horses come running down the hill and surround us.

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