Ill never leave you

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"I've always liked doing hair maybe it was a mum thing, I saw you guys looking at the memorial Tommy made." Maria says still cutting Ellie's hair. "Yeah sorry about your kids." I say. "It's ok, and kid just Kevin Sarah was Joel's daughter." Maria replies. Me and Ellie share a look of shock. Maria notices and says "maybe I shouldn't have said that." "No it's ok I guess that explains why he is the way he is." Ellie says. Maria finishes cutting the ends of Ellie's hair and takes us to the movies. I can't focus on the film I can only look at Ellie. I feel her move closer to me. Dude we almost fucking kissed what if she wants to talk about it or something? Or what if she doesn't? What if she was just messing with me? I move away from her even though I want more than anything to hug her. She looks at me noticing how I moved away. I feel Ellie grab my hand and drag me outside. "Where are we going?" I ask. "That movie is shit we should just go back to our room." She says now linking arms with me. This time I don't try to get away from her. We get back to our room and I lay on the bed feeling tired. Ellie throws a book at me and says "I'm gonna go look for Joel you can read this if you get bored." "Ok don't take long." I say grabbing the book to look at the cover. "Why are you gonna miss me?" She says trying to tease me. "On second thought take long." I say giggling. She leaves and I look at the book. It was some teenage girls diary from before the apocalypse. I read it for around 15 minutes until the door opens. Ellie walks in and doesn't say anything she just comes and hugs me. I can see tears in her eyes. "What's wrong el?" I ask concerned. "It's Joel he is gonna leave us, I heard him talking with Tommy and Tommy is gonna take us to the fireflies." She says trying to hold back her emotions. I was starting to think that Joel cared about me and Ellie but I guess I was wrong. I can't speak all I can do is hug Ellie. She brushes her hand through my hair now noticing how upset I'm getting. "At least we have each over I'll never leave you." She says playing with my hair. "I'll never leave you either" I put my head on her shoulder. Joel walks in a few minutes later. "Why are you here?" Ellie asks. "Because I want to talk to you guys." He replies. "No I mean if your gonna ditch us just ditch us." Ellie says. "You heard me talking to Tommy?" He sighs. "Listen he knows the route better than I do and you guys will be safer-" I cut him off standing up. "Do you give a shit about us or not?" I ask. "Of course I do." He almost says immediately. "Than what are you so afraid of? Neither of us are her you know. Maria told us about Sarah-" now he is cutting me off saying. "Don't." Ellie moves forward and says "I'm sorry about your daughter Joel but we have lost people too." "You have no idea what loss is." He says to both of us. "Everybody I have cared for has either died or left me ,everybody fucking except for you and y/n! So don't tell us we will be safer with somebody else because the truth is we would just be more scared." Ellie yells. "Tomorrow we are going our separate ways." Joel says trying to hold himself together. I sit on the floor and start crying once he leaves and i don't even care that Ellie can see me. All my life I didn't feel cared for and now the first time I actually did the guy was just gonna fucking leave me? Ellie grabs me by my arms and waist and makes me sit on the bed. She is also crying but is better at controlling it then I am. "Shh it's okay I'm here." She says trying to calm me down since I look like I can barely breath at this point. After a while of me and her crying she stops and eventually I stop too. I lie down and try to sleep but I just can't. "Hey y/n." Ellie whispers. "Yeah." I reply my voice still sounding weird from crying. "I think your like the only person I can trust." She says as I turn to face her. "I feel the same about you el." I say. She kisses my forehead. The next morning was a shitty blur, that was until I saw Joel. Ellie squeezed my hand when she saw him. "You came to say goodbye or something?" I ask pissed off. Tommy stands behind us staring at Joel confused. " I have been thinking, I think you both would still be better off with Tommy but you deserve a choice." Joel says. "Let's go." Ellie says giving Joel our bags. "Are we even all gonna fit on this fucking horse?" I ask. "No y/n you have to walk." Joel says. I stare at him. "I'm being sarcastic idiot yes we will all fit." He says.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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