no pun intended

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I stand facing a mirror with the gun I stole from bill and franks trying to look cool. "Pew pew" I say pretending to shoot it. I definitely looked like an idiot. I go outside to see Joel filling the car up with gas while Ellie annoys him. I stand next to Ellie as she pulls a book out of her bag. "It doesn't matter how much you push the envelope, it will still be stationary." Ellie reads off the page giggling. Joel looks at her disappointed by the shitty joke. "No pun intended volume 2" she says reading the title of the book. Ellie starts to giggle again and says "what did the mermaid wear to her math class, an algae bra!" She starts to read another one ignoring Joel who keeps repeating the word no while I just laugh. "I stayed up all night wondering where the sun went and then it dawned on me." "Feel free to wait in the truck" Joel says sick of the shit jokes. "Ok but just know you can't escape will Livingston." She says this time getting in the back seat with me. "Now you can't complain about sitting alone." She laughs. I feel my face turn red. Fuck why do I have to like her so much. "Wait are you blush-" she says getting cut off by Joel getting in the car. I look down at my shoes hoping she won't try and re ask the question and luckily she doesn't and just stares at me. I look around and find some music. "I got something,this make you feel all nostalgic?" I say showing it to Joel. "This is before my time actually" he responds. "It's a winner though." Joel happily says and starts playing the music. "I also found something" Ellie says grabbing a weird looking magazine. "It's light on the reading but it has some interesting pictures." Ellie says making me look at it from over her shoulder. "No, no no put that back it's not for kids" joel says scared now realising what it is. "How do you even walk around with that thing!"  Ellie yells looking at me confused. "Please get rid of it." Joel pleads. "Hold your horses I wanna see what all the fuss is about." I say snatching it off Ellie. "Why are all these pages stuck together" I ask Joel. "Uhhh" Joel says trying to think of what to say. "Im just fucking with you, bye bye dude" I say throwing it out the window. Hours later of driving joel finally says "all right that's enough for today." And drives into the woods. 30 minutes later Joel makes dinner. "Slow down" he says to Ellie who is eating very fast. "This is slow, what are we even eating?" She asks him. "That is 20 year old chef boyardee ravioli." Joel says making Ellie say some gibberish in response because of all the food in her mouth. "So how long are we staying here." I ask Joel. He replies saying "I was thinking I sleep all night and drive all day all night tomorrow." "Can we light a fire" ellie speaks up. "Now why am I gonna tell you no" Joel says irritated. "Because infected will see the smoke." Ellie answers. "Fungus isn't that smart, people will see it." Joel explains. "What are they gonna do rob us." Ellie asks confused. "They will have more in mind than that." Joel scoffs. "Jeez your so dark." I say to Joel. Later when nighttime comes we all get sleeping bags out. Ellie comes and puts her sleeping bag next to mine. Then we all lie down to go to sleep "Joel, can I ask you a serious question?" Ellie yells from her sleeping bag. "What?" Joel says thinking it's something serious. "Why did the scarecrow get an award?" "Because he was outstanding in his field." Joel answers her trying to hide his smile. "You dick! Did you read this?" Ellie asks giggling. "No, go to sleep both of you." Joel answers. I lie there thinking for a minute and then I whisper to Ellie "Ellie don't laugh at me but I'm kinda scared that people will find us out here" "you don't have to be scared I'm here" Ellie whispers back to me. "oh yeah like your going to be able to protect me" I say giggling. "Hey! I'm strong" Ellie answers me offended. "Sure." I reply. Ellie moves her sleeping bag closer to me. "I'm sure no one will find us just try and sleep" she says putting a loose strand of hair behind my ear.  And just like that I feel my face heating up again. I swear to god I need  to get over this crush thing. I eventually fall asleep.

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