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I wake up to the sun shining on my face. Once i open my eyes the first thing i see is Joel,Tess and Ellie staring at me . "Morning" you say kinda irritated. Ellie tries to get up but Joel points his gun at her making her sit back down. "Do we look like we are infected" Ellie says clearly annoyed. "Show us your arms" Joel responds looking at both of us. I roll up my sleeve and show mine while she does the same. "It's not getting any worse is it." Ellie said smirking. "What was Marlene doing with infected kids." Joel questions. "We aren't infected." Me and Ellie both say at the same time looking at each over embarrassed after we realise. Tess looks at us and says "Tell us why you guys are so important to Marlene now." Ellie stubbornly after a second of thinking speaks up "there's a firefly base camp somewhere out west with doctors, they are trying to make a cure." "We've heard that before, none of it works." Joel remarked. "Hey fuck you man we didn't ask for this" Ellie says slightly upset. "You and me both" Joel continues. "It doesn't matter if they are what the fireflies Say, as long as they think they are we will get what we want so let's go." Tess assured. "If Either of them so much as twitches" Joel says making Ellie start fake twitching. "Dont" Tess warns Ellie. I got to grab my bag and notice Joel's gun. "Can I have a gun?" I plead making Ellie want one too. "Absolutely not." Joel says sternly. "Jesus fine I will just throw Ellies fucking sandwich at them" I say as Ellie looks at me and fakes being insulted making me laugh. "It's clear" Joel says walking outside as we all follow him. Jesus why does Ellie have to look so pretty in the day light. "Looks different in the daylight huh?" Tess said making me jump cause for a second I thought she caught me staring at Ellie but she meant our surroundings. "So what way are we taking long way or short way?" Joel asked. Tess looked at him and said "Well it's the long way or were fucking dead way." "Well I vote long way just based on that limited information" Ellie said making eye contact with me. I wasn't really sure if Ellie liked me or not. She would be nice to me but then go cold on me again. I'm not sure why but I really wanted her to like me. "We have to check it from the hotel first." Joel speaks up. We start walking and I'm walking next to Joel in silence but it wasn't really an awkward silence. Tess breaks the silence by asking "how did you guys get bit?" "you know that old mall in the qz I kinda snuck in there." Ellie mumbled. "Just you alone in there? Man you've got some balls on you sister" Tess giggled. She looked at me " what about you y/n?" "I was going hunting for food since my mum couldn't get her lazy ass up to do it and then some zombie just leaped on me and bit me, I eventually killed the zombie but then Marlene appeared and basically kidnapped me." I smiled sarcastically. "Where is your mum now?" Tess asked. "I don't know but she probably isn't looking for me if she has even noticed I went missing." I said looking down at my shoes. Tess gave me a weak smile out of sympathy and Ellie came closer to me and started whispering in my ear about how my mum is a bitch. Soon we get to the hotel and it is filled with water. Joel and tell started moving towards it making Ellie get nervous and say "wait are we going in there?" "Yeah we have to get to the other side." Tess said looking up at me and Ellie. "Well I don't know how to swim" Ellie argued. "Seriously" Joel questioned. Ellie giggled "you think we have pools in the qz" "no smart ass I mean" joel doesn't finish his sentence and just jumps into the water showing it only goes up to his knees. "I don't know how I was supposed to know that" Ellie whispers to me now pulling me in the water with her by my hand. I felt my cheeks turn rosey pink by the sudden physical contact. Of course Ellie noticed but only smirked at me. "Check it out!" Ellie says letting go of my hand and running up to a counter. "Ding ding! Yes I would like your finest suite please" Ellie then starts having a whole conversation with herself making me laugh. "Your a weird kid" Joel remarks. "Your a weird kid" Ellie says back mocking him. We then start to go upstairs.

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