matching bite marks

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You slowly open your eyes nuzzling into whatever you were laying on. omg why am I asleep on Ellie's shoulder. She looks down at you noticing your awake and gives you a small smile. But that smile didn't last long she quickly went cold on you again. You look over at joel noticing he is also just waking up. "You mumble in your sleep." Ellie says looking at him. "Well the radio came on when you guys were sleeping." Ellie says confidently. "Really, what song was it" joel says worriedly. "It kept saying like wake me up before you go go?" Ellie said in a confused tone. Joel looked down at the floor and mouthed the word "shit" while Ellie started smirking. "Gotcha 80s means trouble, code broken" Ellie said cockily. I couldn't  help but laugh making Ellie start giggling too. Then Tess walked in. Tess seemed really cool to me. "I checked an the spot under lancaster looks good, we need to start leaving now put on your jackets." She said.  I got up and put my jacket on as Ellie and Joel did the same. It was so fucking cold when we got outside and it was really pissing me off. And then we saw a guard. We tried to sneak past him and of course failed. "Get on your knees now!" He yelled at us. Eventually I got on my knees next to Tess but I could see Ellie from the corner of my eye trying to get closer to me I think she was trying to tell me something. And as soon as I saw those stupid fucking machines that say if you were infected or not I knew that's what she wanted to say. When the man was about to put it onto Ellie she stabbed him in the knee.the guard scrambles to his feet in pain and points his gun at us. I don't think me,Tess or Ellie excepted it but Joel started going fucking psycho on the guy beating the shit out of him. Out of shock I grabbed Ellie's arm and moved close next to her and all she could do was whisper to me "holy shit are you seeing this." I turn around to see Tess with that stupid fucking machine putting it on Ellie's leg and of course it says infected. "Joel!" Tess says getting Joel's attention and making him realise. Tess then grabbed me aswell and put the machine on me, and of course it said I was also infected. "No no no we're not sick!" Ellie said panicked grabbing my hand. Then she pulled up my sleeve showing my bite mark saying " hers is 2 weeks old and mine is 3 weeks old!" "Joel we have to move" Tess said.

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