One person worth saving

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We get to a gate leading into a small neighbourhood. Joel puts a code into the gate and then we go through. We walk up to bill and franks house and see all the flowers are dead. "Bill, frank?" Joel yells while walking inside. "What if they're gone?" Ellie quietly says. Joel doesn't answer and goes to look around leaving me and Ellie alone together. "Oh fuck" Ellie whispers. "What's wrong" I ask. "Come look at this" Ellie says handing me a letter from bill. Joel walks back in and says "what's that" "it's from bill" I reply. I hand it back to Ellie and she starts to read it out loud "if you find this please don't come into the bedroom,we left the window open so the house wouldn't smell but it will probably be quite a sight. I'm guessing you found this Joel because anybody else would have been electrocuted or blown up by one of my traps hehehehehe. Take anything you need, the bunker code is the same as the gate code but in reverse. Anyway I never liked you but it feels like we are friends, almost. And I respect you so I'm going to tell you something since your probably the only person that would understand. I hated the world and was happy when everyone died but I was wrong because-" Ellie paused for a second and looked up at me "there was one person worth saving" she then looked back down at the paper and continued. " so that's what I did I saved him and I protected him. I leave you all my equipment and weapons use them to protect.." Ellie stops and hands Joel the paper. "Use them to protect Tess" I thought to myself. Joel goes outside for a minute and when he comes back he says "I just finished making a truck battery, it's charging right now. And I have a brother out in Wyoming, he's in some kind of trouble and I'm heading out there to find him." Joel continues " he used to be a firefly so my guess is he knows where some of them are out there." "Listen about Tess-" Ellie attempts to say. "If I'm taking you both with me there's some rules you gotta follow. Rule number one don't bring up Tess ever, rule two you both don't tell anyone about your conditions they see those bite marks they won't think it through they'll just shoot you, rule three do what I say when I say it. We clear?" Joel says cutting Ellie off. "Yes" me and Ellie both respond. "Repeat it" Joel demands. I speak up "What you say goes" Ellie agrees with me nodding. "Now come on, let's grab what we can" Joels says calmly. We enter the bunker and the first thing I see is a wall full of guns. "Dude" I say pointing at them. "No" Joel answers before I can say anything else. "There is a wall of them" I say pouting. "They have hot water ,I'm taking a shower" ellie yells across the room smiling. "And then your showering cuz man" ellie says staring at Joel making me giggle. I have a shower and then put on a short sleeved black shirt and jeans I found. While I wait in the dining room for Joel and Ellie I look through draws and then I see a small gun. Without even thinking I grab it and put it in my back pack. Ellie walks in. "Come here" ellie says as I walk up to her. Now I'm facing here but she turns me around and starts touching my hair. "What are you doing." I ask. "Putting your hair in a ponytail like mine so it doesn't distract you." She answers me. I feel my face heating up. Not again, we are literally in an apocalypse I can't have a crush on her!!! "You ok?" She asks noticing the sudden change in me. "Yeah I'm fine" I say lying. She smiles. What if she noticed how red I got. She finishes putting my hair up as Joel walks in. "Well don't you look pretty." Ellie says giggling at him. "Shut up" he responds embarrassed. We go and get in bill and franks car. "Why do I have to sit in the back?" I whine. "Because you were to slow to get in the front first" Ellie replies laughing. "What? Do you want me to come in the back with you?" Ellie replies still laughing at me. And my face starts heating up again. "It's fine" I respond quickly. "Fine suit yourself." She says smirking at me. Ellie puts some music on. "This is good this is Linda ronstadt." Joel continues. "Do you guys know who Linda ronstadt is?" "No we don't know who Linda ronstadt is" I reply smirking.

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