Chapter 4

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 “Wake up, Ellie.” Mom said, sitting down in the decorative chair near my door.

“Ellie? Why are you being nice to me?” I asked, rolling over to look at her. My parents only called me Ellie when I did something good or.. they felt bad for me.

“Did you pack?” I nodded and motioned to the suitcase on my window seat. Mom went over and opened it.

“What is this Ellison? Did you hear us correctly last night? We said 3 years, not 1 week.”

“I know, but I was tired so I didn't pack all of it.”

“Well you and I are going shopping today before you leave for Allie's, so I guess it's good you didn't pack all of it.”

“When am I leaving?”

“We'll have to talk to Allie about that, but your father and I are hoping the the coming month.” I heard her whisper “Or sooner.” under her breath as she left my room.

I climbed out of bed and pulled on my old school uniform. It was for Eagle Academy, and I went there for 8th grade. Most students threw away their uniforms but I kept mine. It isn't an ugly uniform. It's an orange blouse and black ruffle skirt-dress thing for girls and orange Polo and khaki pants for guys.

“Ellison! Breakfast-to-go!” Mom yelled from downstairs.

“Where's Dad?”

“He left for work early.” Mom handed me a sausage and egg wrap.

“Is it my fault?”

“I don't want to say yes, but if I didn't I'd be lying.” Mom sighed.

“Well that was nice.” Mom gave me a weird look and I walked out to the car.

“So, what are we buying?” I asked Mom as we walked into the mall.

“We need to get you some new clothes. Come on, in here.” Mom shooed me into a store I had never heard of before and pulled me over to the UNIFORM section.

“Oh really, Mom? Uniforms?”

“Ellison, you did something very wrong-”

“Yeah, I get it. But it's not like I'm pregnant! And it was one time!”

Mom kept her head low and didn't look at me but said “I don't care, Ellie. It was wrong. Now look for pants.”

By the time we left we had the same thing(short sleeve blouses and fancy pants) in every color of the rainbow. We also stopped to get some shorts and tank tops but they didn't have any designs. We bought black flip flops and some plain black tennis shoes. Mom must have felt bad for me because she let me get some black TOMS.

“Dad's not getting home until 11:00 and I don't want to make him mad, so you can order a pizza for dinner and I want you in bed by 10.”

“Have we really come to this? Dad's so mad he doesn't even want to see me?”

“Ellie, I'm sorry but your father and I both are very disappointed. Your father is taking it the hardest. So order a pizza-” Mom handed me the phone.” “And be in bed by 10. I'm not asking you to be asleep, just stay in your bedroom when Dad gets home.”

I sighed but said okay. I can't believe Dad's so mad he doesn't even want to see me.

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