Chapter 5

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 “Hello..?” Katherine said from the other line.

“Yeah? What's wrong?”

“Oh, Ellison. I thought it was your mom.” Katherine laughed then paused. “I need to tell you something.”


“Well, about the party. Your dad came to our house. He told Jacob what happened to you.”

“What!? That wasn't Jacob's fault!”

“I know, Ellie. But Jacob says that it is and... Well, we're not allowed to hang out anymore.”

“Why? Because of the stupid party? Gosh, I already have my punishment.”

“What 'd they do?”

“My parents are shipping me off to live with my Grandmother Allie in the States.”

“WHAT!? How long?”

“Until I'm freaking 18!”

“Oh my gosh, Ellie. I'm so sorry.”

“It's not your fault, Katherine.”

“Well, it kind of is. I convinced you to leave your house and come to the party.”

“Fine, then it is your fault. But I'm not blaming you.”

“Thanks, Ellis- So number 5 is 14.2?”


“One second.” Katherine put her hand over the receiver but I could still hear her. “What Mom? It's just Michaela. She's helping me with math homework.” I giggled.

“I have to go, Michaela. But I'll see you tomorrow at school. Bye.” Then she hung up.

Everyone is leaving me. Dad hates me, Katherine can't hang out with me. I haven't heard from Michaela in a few days. Is she avoiding me too?

“Ellie! I've been needing to talk to you!” Michaela screamed into the phone.

“Am I not allowed to hang out with you either?” I sighed.

“What? No. But guess what happened with Jacob.”

“What do you mean? Katherine told me he was saying it was his fault I got drunk but that's all.”

“He's telling everyone that, but he's also saying that he's going to make sure you don't go near anymore alcoholic drinks.”

“That's almost creepy. Oh, guess what?”

“You know I don't guess. What is it?”

“Katherine isn't allowed to hang out with me anymore.”

“What? No!”

“I know! I just called her and she said that my dad went over there and told her she wasn't allowed to.”

“Your dad!? Oh wow. If my dad did that to me... wow. I can't even imagine. But I wouldn't follow that rule.”

“Well it's kind of hard not too. I'm moving next month.”


“Yeah, I know. To my Godmother Allie's house.”

“Please tell me it's just down the street.”

“I wish it was. It's in Chicago.”

“Where's that?” Pause. “Oh no! The States!?”


“Oh, Ellie! You can't!”

“I have too. Until I'm 18.”

“Oh my freaking gosh!!” I started to say something back but Michaela interrupted. “Sorry Mom!” She yelled. “I'm not allowed to use that language in the house. One second, I'm moving to the porch.” I heard a door slam, then I spoke again.

“Going outside was pointless.”


“I have to go now. My dad just pulled into the driveway and I'm supposed to pretend to be asleep.”

“I feel bad for you. See you at school tomorrow?”

“Sure. Bye.”

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