Chapter 25

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 “Drake's called several times. Where have you been?” Amber practically yelled at me when I walked in the door. I had taken an extra 2 hours to walk around the neighborhood before going home.

“I've just been walking.” I tried to maneuver around her, but she moved with me.

“Call him back. He sounded sad when I told him that you weren't back yet.” Amber held the phone out to me, then finally moved out of my way when I accepted it.

“What'd you do?” She asked from the doorway.

“I didn't do anything. Emily thinks that Drake and I are going out because someone told her that we kissed.”

Amber's jaw dropped to the floor. “Did you?”

“.. Maybe. But still.”

“Oh, Tailee. So young and inexperienced. Trust me, you want Drake.” Amber sat down on my bed, right next to the new poster I needed to put up. 'I put the F U in FUN' in rainbow letters, that had taken Allie several minutes in the shop to convince to let me buy it.

“Well, then I'll call him.” I set the phone on the desk and opened my laptop.

“What the heck are you doing!? I said you wanted him, so call him!” She jumped up and slammed my laptop shut. She waved the phone around in front of my face.

“Amber, stop.” I swatted the phone away, and it flew across the room and landed in front my closet. “Have you ever stopped to think that maybe I don't want him? I know that you do, and I know that Emily does also. But maybe I don't. I'm a person also, and I don't have to go with it just because you do. Now, please leave.” I motioned to the door.

Amber sulked to the door, and closed it quietly behind her.

I grabbed my phone out of my bag, leaving the house phone lying next to my closet. When I turned it on, I found I had several texts from Drake.

Drake- Hey, please call me when you get this. I'm sure Emily told you so please just call me.

Tailee- Could I not?

Drake- Huh?

Tailee- Everyone's telling me that I want you, but I'm not sure. Can we just wait? I mean, I've been here for 4 months, but I still don't know that much about you.

Drake- Well ask away (:

Tailee- I don't think you understand. Could we meet? Let's just walk around a while.

Drake- Sure. Want me to meet you are your house?

Tailee- Yeah.

I brushed my hair, switched my shoes, grabbed my jacket, and sat in the drivers seat of Allie's car while I waited for Drake to show up.

I didn't notice him walk into the driveway, until he drummed his hands on the hood of the car. I jumped, then calmed down when he opened the door for me.

“Hey.” He smiled.


We started walking in the direction of town, and the entire time, we were silent. It was just a little awkward, but I couldn't figure out why until Drake held open the door of the ice cream shop. He hadn't tried to hold my hand since we had left my house.

“What will it be?” The guy at the counter asked. I recognized him as one of Drake's friends, Logan. Right after Drake, he was the second hottest guy in school.

“I'll have vanilla. What do you want, Tailee?”

“The Superman.” Logan smiled at me when I said this, like I had exceeded a very important test.

“Any toppings?” He asked us while he got the cones and started scooping the ice cream.

“Sprinkles for me.”

“Gummy bears. But can I have mine in like, a little dish or something instead of on the ice cream?” I asked.

“Sure, doll.”

I started to move over towards a table, but Drake grabbed my hand and stopped me. “Doll?” He said to Logan.

“Yeah.” Logan smiled in my direction. "I'm just being nice to the lady."

“Don't call her doll.” Drake gently pulled on my hand, and brought me closer to him. “I'm serious, Logan.”

“Dude, chill. It was a compliment.”

“I don't care.” Drake's voice quieted. “Remember what I said.” He stared Logan in the eyes for a second longer, then walked with me over to a table.

“What was that about?”


“Of course.” I said, turning away from him. I had said it under my breath, but I guess I had been a little too loud.

“What do you mean?”

“I'm not stupid, Drake. You're jealous. You're mad at Logan for calling me doll. Why couldn't you just tell me that?”

“I'm sorry, Tailee. Okay?” He tried to reach across the table and grab my hand, but I moved it away.

“What's wrong with you? We're not dating. You can't just grab my hand whenever you want. If we were dating, I'd be okay with it. But we're not. So stop it.” I got up and walked into the ladies room.

Tailee- OMG. Drake's possessive.

Michaela- NO! What'd he do?

Tailee- Some guy from school who works at the ice cream shop called me doll, and Drake totally freaked.

Michaela- NO! :( Not Drake.. He was supposed to be the hottest guy God ever invented..

Tailee- He's still hot, just a little possessive. I don't know, maybe he'll get over it soon. I still want to date him...

Michaela- 'Atta girl [: DATE HIM!

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