Chapter 4

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I find Kevin in the classroom, I can see from his face that he is as excited as I am.

"Are you ready to have fun?" he asks me sarcastically

"Totally," I tell him nonchalantly

We settle in and a supervisor appears, probably to keep an eye on us, keep that joke lame in mind, I'd be proud.

" I want you to be 10 metres apart from each other, Mr Krach has forbidden me to let you talk to each other," she warns us severely

I'm almost laughing because it's so stupid, he was afraid that his two favourite students would decide to create a duet to amaze him more or what.

" He is really a kid " I hear Kevin giggle beside me

He walks away from me, waving a dramatic goodbye.

"Don't worry, next detention time we'll be buddies," I reassure him.

He laughs at my remark before answering me.

"Are you already planning to get detention again?" he asks me.

I nodded, Mr. Krach was not going to let us off the hook now that he had us in his sights.

I take my stuff out of the bag and start doing my maths homework, then English, I prefer to do it in that order because going from English to maths, what an ordeal. I fan myself with my dupatta as a fan, because of M.krach, I was going to be late for the Asr prayer.

"Hey, Azraaa, catch this ," my classmate shouts

I didn't have time to catch anything before something hit my face violently before landing nicely on my table.

A Ferrero-Rocher!

I look back at Kevin, doubtful, you don't give that stuff away, it's worth its weight in gold.

" Are you sure you don't want it?" I ask him

" Nope, I don't really like sweet things, I prefer small doses and as I have the impression that you need it more than I do," he answers me

" Thank you in any case, you have just risen in my heart, I would eat it with complete gratitude" I tell him sincerely

I don't wait any longer and open the wrapper before savouring this delight in my mouth that feels so good.

He's laughing at me from afar, I know it's a dramatic reaction, but it's food, which doesn't make you happy, please?

" If you want my mum to run a bakery, you could come by the house and taste her creations," he tells me.

I look at him in awe, a mother who bakes, what happiness, I hasten to accept and ask him if I can take Amina with me to which he accepts, I think I just made a new friend.

" I think I've just made a new friend. "Well, here's to the two of us," I say, looking down at the pile of notebooks on my table with frustration.

At the end of the first year, I managed to finish my homework for English, Maths and especially Spanish, a subject in which I'm running out of water.

" Well, I'm off," Kevin warns me.

I look at the time, but we still have two hours of detention.

" Isn't it time yet?" I ask her

"Miss, I'm a trainer player, I managed to make Mr. Krach's heart bend so I could go to my training session," he said proudly

He disappears a few seconds later, I got ripped off, I knew my parents should have signed me up for an activity as a child.

I sigh, looking at the time, 2 hours, it's going to be long, I watch from afar the supervisor absorbed by her soap opera.

I start to get tired and end up lying down on the table, after 30 minutes, I feel something dripping down my leg.

Oh no! Not now, I have to go to the bathroom.

"Madam, can I go to the toilet?" I ask her permission

She's so engrossed in her soap opera that she just gives me a vague wave.

" Thank you," I say.

The corridors are dark with only a few neon lights.

I recite, Al-Ayat Kursi so I don't get caught by a jinn.

" I know you're there," I say suspiciously

Well, I hope they don't answer ya Rabb, otherwise I'll pee myself.

I change with a sanitary towel in the toilet, I hated not being able to wash myself.

I come back to the room and resume my homework.

One more hour and it's over, I encourage myself.


That's all I needed, I crouched on the wall hoping the cramps would subside, but I could only hope.

I was in so much pain that I could barely walk properly. I struggled to get my phone out of my bag.

Having my period was what you would call hell for me, I had already tried several treatments nothing concrete so far, even made several consultations to specialists, but nothing more behind.

"Ya Rabbb!" I grit my teeth as I feel my ovaries shaking in all directions, the school was about to close at this rate, I'll end up spending the night here.

I call my mother, hoping she'll pick up, but after the tenth ring, I hang up. She must be on call. A few minutes pass, and I see the lights slowly fade to nothingness. I hate this atmosphere, it reminds me of that incident again, I can feel the anguish slowly coming over me as I remember what they did to me.

What if they were there? No, no Azra, breathe, they are far, far away from you. I tighten my dupatta against myself, feeling protected.

"Hahahahah, I'm really going to end up here alone" I laugh pathetically

Aouch! It's horrible, I feel the pain intensify in the middle of my lower abdomen and then spread to the back. Holy cow if I've ever had a period like this, I don't want to know what pregnancy pain feels like.

I look around, little by little I feel tears rolling down my cheeks, why does this always happen to me? My nerves are gone, I wish I had my mother next to me, in my bed, with a cup of chocolate.

I never blamed my parents for their absence but in the moments, when I was vulnerable, I could never help but be sad, I was envious of others, when Amina was sick, her mother or father was at her bedside, I never had that even though Amina always tried to be by my side, she couldn't make up for the lonely nights when I threw up on the floor hoping someone would rub my back to soothe me.

"That's lame! Ya rabb, can't you just send someone to me?" I ask looking at the ceiling

I waited a few seconds before lowering my head, I was alone again. I put my arms around myself more.

" It's okay Azra, your rabbi is here, you're not alone, he'll make you feel better and you can go home," I whisper.

Even though I was told to calm down, my tears continued slightly. If only there was someone to wipe them away. So many faces came to mind, but none of them were there at the moment.

Who will save our Azra from her pain ? 👀😳

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