Chapter 11

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Pov Riaz

I was bickering with Zafir when my sister approached us with concern.

"Have you seen Azra? She went to clean up but she hasn't come back yet?" she asked.

Zafir and I look each other in the eye, I finally tell her that I'm going to look for her. Did the mosquito get lost because she was so small? Probably, she has a poor sense of direction, I still remembered how she had managed to get lost in that park with Amina, real clowns.

I approached the floor where the women's room was.

"Azra" calls her I strongly urge her to hear me

I searched for a good fifteen minutes but she was nowhere to be found in any of the rooms, maybe she had already left? I was about to turn back when I heard screams from the very last room.

I had a bad feeling, I rushed to the room, but the door was locked, the screams sounded even louder.

"Azraaaaa, are you in there?" I shouted as I tried to break down the door

I took a long distance back and kicked the door down, once in the room my eyes fell on them.

At the sight, my blood rushed through my body, feeling every vein in my body pop out, I was going to kill him, murder him.
I ran towards them, before grabbing him in the least delicate way and sending him into the wall. Before he even got up, I was landing blow after blow, unlucky for him that I was a boxing champion but with that skill or not, I would have finished him.

"ORDURE! Who did you take it upon yourself to lay dirty hands on Azraaaa ??? " I shouted at him in rage

He didn't answer and I kicked him in the already bruised abdomen.

"I... I... Wanted ... It.." He said, smiling with pain

This sentence made me lose control even more, did he want it? He wanted her? He wanted my Azra? At this thought I pressed him roughly against the wall, and grabbed the lamp and exposed it against his skull, the screams and blood emanating half satisfied all the anger I felt. I wanted him to regret every thought, every word, every gesture that had led him to try to touch Azra. He fell pitifully at my feet, and I felt myself being pulled backwards, I turned around furiously and calmed down as I noticed Azra, frightened, she was looking at me begging me to stop, accompanied by dozens of tears streaming down her cheeks profusely, I hated to see her crying and because of the asshole, she was crying her eyes out, how was I going to fix her, to heal her? 

"R...iaz..." she said with a voice that broke into tears

It broke my heart, there was hardly, she had this innocent smile on her lips, maintenance was destroyed, I took her hand about to lead her out of the room when she stopped me, pointing to her dupatta, I went to pick it up but noticed it was in tatters, I gave Hamid an evil look.

I quickly undid the buttons of my tuxedo jacket, and covered Azra with it, putting it over her dupatta.

"Hey... He's going to... Not... Die?..." Azra asked softly and fearfully, looking at Hamid

I didn't answer him, for what he was trying to do, I have no regrets if that was the case. I take Azra outside away from the wedding, not wanting to let her go, I pull her against me and tighten my arms around her, burying my nose in her hair, the smell of vanilla mixed with spices soothing me. She let herself go and didn't budge, I could still feel her tears wetting my shirt.

I thought about it over and over again, that scumbag on Azra, he held her prisoner like a bully against him, taking pleasure, it made my adrenaline level rise.

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