Chapter 5

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Pov Riaz

What a mess ! I was driving and trying to hold my phone up to my ear at the same time.

" Did you get her back?" my little sister asks me impatiently

I smile when I hear her impatient voice, in this kind of moment, Amina really looks like my mother.

"Amina, seriously, I've only been out for five minutes, I'm on my way," I tell her in exasperation.

She sighs, she's going to yell at me, I'm sure.

" I know, but I told you to be on time, it's dark and Azra is still at school and she can't stand the dark, all because of Mr. Krach, he stuck her until 6pm, the idiot," she grumbled, annoyed.

I listened to her attentively, I knew very well that Amina loved Azra very much, she protects her like her sister, and would never let anything happen to her, these two girls are very close, I admired their friendship.

" Amina, I'm almost there, don't worry next time, I'll be there early" i try to reassure her.

Azra was currently alone and I must admit that it didn't reassure me either.

"Riaz, I didn't tell Azra you were coming to pick her up, so call her when you get there," she warns me.

I arch my eyebrows, what do you mean she didn't warn Azra and if she had already left without me.

"Why didn't you warn her, imagine she's somewhere having an anxiety attack, remember last time?" I ask her

To celebrate my graduation, my family had a little party by the sea, where of course Azra's family was present. Except that on the way back, there wasn't enough seat , Azra had assured me that she could wait until I went to drop off my parents and her parents with Amina, which we all believed. We left her with Safsa, my cousin.

When we came back to get them, Amina and I found Azra crouched over herself in a state of alarm, with safsa crying and not knowing how to help her. Amina and I had been so afraid of losing her.

She had finally come out and explained that her fear of the dark was only growing, but we never named why she was afraid of it, we never made her answer it

"I know, but if I had told her you were coming, she would have refused categorically," says Amina

She has a point, Azra didn't like to ask for help from others, I'm sure it's because she's always learned to fend for herself because of her parents' absence. But she's not a burden on my family knowing that it's fun to mess with her, she loses her temper easily with me and it's always funny to see.

" It's OK, Amina, I'm here," I tell her as I hang up

I get out of the car and call Azra on her mobile, but she doesn't seem to answer. What do I do? I get closer to the entrance and notice a lady in the distance coming out.

"Excuse me, did you see a girl come out? I ask her

" Big boy, yes, there are girls, but I need to be more precise "

I am a such idiot, Yes, there are girls, but I'm looking for Azra.

" Small in stature, black hair, green eyes, "I tell her.

She seems to think for a long time.

" Pakistani and very fond of food, "I say.

She finally laughs, it seems Azra is quite well known.

"Azra? I think she's already left, I'm watching her during her detention hours" , she says

I hesitate, but end up asking her if she could let me in to check that Azra wasn't still in the school, I had to force her to accept.

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