Chapter 17

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Pov Riaz

Zafir and I enter the house and find my father standing at the door.

"Welcome dear bride and groom, but where are the brides?" he joked, looking back at us.

I gave him a grimace that spoke volumes, but Zafir chuckled. I was relieved to see him at least joking, which I guess my mother was not.

"Very funny, dad, Azra went home and Amina was going to drop her off," I warned her.

"Very well, you did the right thing, if you want to know everything, your mother is in the living room in a mood to blow up everything," he warns me

He seems to be in an awfully good mood. He had to be, for once it wasn't him who was going to get started by my mother but me.

" You're not supposed to be angry with Mom by any chance, "I ask him suspiciously.

He shushed me, and gave me a pair of tweezers. But was he crazy? I just asked him a simple question.

" In this case yes, so you tell him I ignored you okay and only talk to my son-in-law, otherwise tonight I'll have to sleep on the couch"

I laughed, how brave! Everyone knew how intimidating my father could be but only I knew how intimidated my father was by my mother.

" To tell you the truth, I'm so glad you married Azraaa, she's so lovely, I don't even have to get to know her, I've known her for a while now" he said happily

"I'm glad to know you are," I said reassured

"And I didn't really like Rania, she didn't seem to fit in with us or you," he said

I agreed with him, if I had accepted it was for my mother.

" Go and talk to your mother, come on Zafir, we'll hide in the attic," he said to my best friend

" Bro, we'll come down if we hear you screaming, we'll surely come down," my best friend said

The two of them left talking, waoow, that's a lot of support I got there, I took a breath and found my mother on the phone.

" Check on her, she was crying a lot, and tired," she said sadly

I wondered who she was talking to. I waited for her to finish without saying a word.

" Yes, thank you for calling," I heard on the other end of the phone

I recognised Azra's mother's voice, my mother felt my presence, and looked at me coldly, I approached and crouched down next to her and put my head on her lap, she did not react.

" I know you're angry and I have no excuse, Mom, for breaking off my marriage with Rania, but I couldn't leave Azra in the hands of that pervert," I said.

I could never, imagining locking Azra up with that bastard, made my blood boil, I still remembered how, I found him on top of Azra, circling her like a predator with his heart, if the mosquito didn't need me at that moment, nothing would have stopped me from killing him so let him spend his life with her, he should be happy to still have both his legs on him.

I felt my mother put a hand on my hair. She stroked it maternally. She must have sensed my irritation.

"That's why I let you do it, I couldn't have left Azra in her hands either, but Riaz, my son, you could have gone slowly, we could have waited for Azra's parents to come, you did everything in such a hurry that Mrs. Khan didn't even get to see her only child get married, can you imagine me not being able to be there at Amina's wedding, especially in such conditions? "She asks me with a reproachful voice

She wasn't wrong, I lift my head, I admit that I was in such a hurry that I hadn't thought about Azra's parents.

" I'm sorry, Mum, I reacted without thinking," I said, feeling guilty.

She took me by the face and smiled slightly.

"You are my son, I know you didn't do it on purpose but I can't help but be angry, despite that I am proud of you, you proved to me today that I raised you right," she said proudly

I smile with relief, I couldn't stand to see my mother angry at me and especially at Azra, she has already suffered a lot.

" Are you happy that I married Azra? "I ask her doubtfully

" I would have asked for her hand in marriage a long time ago if you didn't fight like cats and dogs, but who would have believed that our Rabb had already decreed that you would be destined for each other, you gave me Azra as my daughter-in-law, whom I consider my second daughter, how could I have been disappointed with your decision? " Tell me with a laugh

" You are the best! Thank you, Mom," I said, taking her in my arms.

The next moment, Amina came in, just seeing her wedding dress made me dizzy.

" Is there a fire?" she asked us on guard.

My mother and I look at each other, complicit and laughing.

"Of course not, silly, you're always trying to get me in trouble," I tell her to provoke her

" Stop trying to hurt my child," Amina says my mother, provoking her too

My sister stuck her tongue out at us.

"I'm going to join Zafir if that's the way it is, but first I've left Azra at home," she warns us

They both look at me, like mother like daughter, what's wrong with them?

" What?" I ask, annoyed.

The two of them giggle together. They get closer, and Amina's face tends to irritate me now.

" Bro, sorry you had to go through that night alone," she teases.

I approach her, she is hiding behind my mother.

" Stop it both of you, Amina is going to join your husband," my mother is annoyed

I watched Amina's face turn red, it made me laugh.

"Mamanaa" exclaimed in embarrassment

"What? Did I say something wrong?" my mother asked innocently.

She knew very well what she had said, my sister hurried away leaving me alone with my mother again.

" Go and rest my dear, you must be tired," my mother says to me

I smile at her and my father, this big manly man who was going to hide, comes back to join us with a smile on his face.

" So, mother and son reconciled?" he asks

" We were never at loggerheads," my mother tells him defensively.

They start bickering, I'm about to go up to my room when I stop.

"Mum, when are we going to look for Azra?" I ask her in a calm tone

Both my parents laugh.

"We'll have to agree on how things are going to work with Azra's parents and she herself, we'll go to their house tomorrow morning," my mother says.

I nodded and saw my father still holding back his laughter.

"Be careful, you're already becoming addicted to one person, you'll end up like me," my father warns me.

My mother and I looked at him incredulously, but as I started to climb the stairs, his remark made me smile like a fool.

I hesitate to send a message to Azra, but I don't know what to say to her, she's probably asleep right now, finally I give up, and go to my room, which I found decorated with flowers.

"The groom without his bride" I thought ironically.

I went out to take my shower and looked towards my sister's room, my best friend doesn't know what he's gotten himself into for life but cheer up.
I ended up praying and falling asleep.

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