Chapter 16

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Pov Azra

I was still struggling to come to terms with what had happened, I was in the car with Amina, as silent as ever.

"Unworthy girl, you jump on a married man?"
"You are so dirty inside"
"Get married to Hamid, this is the only way to save the dignity of your parents and our family"

A tear escaped from my wet eyes, my mother's words echoed in my head, every accusation was wrong yet no one tried to believe me, I don't want my parents' honour to go down like this.

A second tear fell, my mother, my father, how am I going to tell them this, my mother will be heartbroken to know what I went through.

"Azra, don't cry," my best friend said

She turned to me, we were in the car, the driver was taking us home. She wiped my cheeks.

"I know they were horrible, and they will pay for what they did to you, Allah knows all, he sees all"

" Amina... My parents... How can I explain to them... What if they get into trouble again because of me?" I ask her in despair

" Don't worry, your parents are far from being weak, your mother is a lioness, it's the people who hurt you who should be worried about them when she finds out," Amina says

I laugh slightly, it's true, my mother has the character of a lioness, she scares people and not the other way round.

" Azra, tell me one thing, why didn't you tell me before when Hamid attacked you, even Riaz didn't tell me anything, what am I to you two? An idiot or a stranger ? "

I sigh, I wanted to avoid the subject but Amina is far from being fooled.

"I didn't want to remember the incident, I was disgusted with Hamid, I asked Riaz not to tell you, it's not his fault" I admit.

She seemed unhappy with my answer but said nothing, she took me in her arms despite everything.

"Azra, I understand but to imagine you suffering in your corner, and not knowing it, hurts me," she said.

"I'm sorry," I tell her sincerely

I should have told her, I still remember Hamid's disgusting hands on me, his eyes were so thirsty, I have chills, and a crazy desire to take a shower to erase his look on me, I still can't believe he tried to rape me. Luckily Riaz saved me from his clutches.

"That Hamid is a monster ! He has small children and a dying wife and what was he trying to do, rape you to marry you, he's a total bastard, I should have cut off his family jewellery" says my best friend angrily

" Calm down, Amina" I said as I saw her getting agitated

I knew that she was capable even in her wedding outfit in the night, to get out of the car just to go and take revenge on Hamid, even though I love her very much for that, I didn't want to spoil her wedding day any more, but that was a detail, Amina suddenly started to giggle.

I arch an eyebrow, and question her with my eyes, she starts to laugh with joy. Is she possessed by a djinn.

"Wait, I'll recite Ayat Al-kursi, I think you are possessed," I said, placing my hand on her forehead.

She pushed my hand away and I laughed, I told you an angry amina is funnier than a whole circus.

"You're mean, I was happy for us and you're laughing at me, I knew I should have fed her as much as I did," she said, reprimanding me

I control my laughter, and ask her to forgive me, she finally sulks, there you go.

"This day ended horribly, be glad you made me laugh, it's a lot of good deeds" I encourage her

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