Chapter 9

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Pov Riaz

I knocked on the door of her room, a few seconds later, Amina was standing in front of me, she hesitated what to say but when I noticed her swollen eyes, I couldn't help but think, I'm a big horrible person, I entered the room, and took her in my arms.

"Did Azra make it?" she whispered

I laughed, I knew very well that Azra would come to see me, she would never let Amina down even if she had been wrong, they were both like that.

"Yes, the mosquito was able to explain the situation to me, I'm sorry I lost my temper," I said to her

" It's okay, I'm also sorry I hid my feelings for Zafir from you," she apologized.

I didn't answer anything, somehow I understood that she had fallen in love with my bestfriend and that even relieved me, he's not just any guy, I knew him and he won't hurt my little one but on the other hand how can I be sure, he was still a boy.

"I need to know what you want to do now, Amina, I am listening to you, wI assure her.

And then miracles, for the first time in my life, I saw my little sister blushing, what was she thinking to get in that state. She was cute and funny, but not as funny as Azra.
Azra? She's been on my mind a lot lately.

" Listen, um... Hey... I've been thinking... For a long time... I've... I've even spoken to Zafir... Yes... maybe
I... I'm young..." She stammers at me like a parrot

"Ya Allah! Amina, let's do it, I won't make fun of you," I promise

"In short, I want to marry Zafir!" she exclaims with conviction

My mouth was opening on its own, so accepting that she and my best friend were in love was one thing, but now she's throwing a bomb in my face, I had to take a long time to respond.

" Look... If you want to and you've both thought this decision through, I'm not going to oppose it, I'm on your side but you'll have to explain it to your parents but I warn you, once you're married, I don't want to have to deal with your fights," I warned her.

As soon as I said it, she jumped on me, I smiled, I preferred to know she was happy, I went downstairs and talked to my parents.

" Yesssssss, I'm going to have a son-in-law, at lastnn" exclaimed my father, as playful as a child

My mother called him to order with her eyes.

" Zafir, I prefer that at the beginning of your marriages you live here with Amina, she still has her studies to finish and you have time to settle down professionally," my mother explained.

" I understand Mrs Siddiqui, I don't mind, but now we have to explain the situation to Riaz, so that I can take a shower without risking being killed, "he says

" What a stubborn boy, he takes after you, dear," said my mother.

My offended father turns his gaze to me, I don't seem to need anything explained.

" I think I got more from you, Mom, than from Dad," I replied, approaching him.

My mother smiles innocently at me, while my best friend takes a safe distance, looking at his swollen face, I think I've come on strong.

"I agree to their marriage" I exclaim

My best friend's eyes light up and he jumps into my arms, I try to push him away looking disgusted although I was happy.

"Bro, Riazouuu, you finally understood, now we are going to be best friends for life," he exclaims at me

" Let go of me Zafir, even though I don't envy you the desire to spend my life with you, Amina is much more important," I tell him ironically

He pretends to be offended but ends up laughing. My parents tell us to go to bed and that we'll talk about the rest tomorrow.

As I walk up the stairs, I hear Zafir whispering things.

" I knew it would happen!" he says quietly

"Who is she?" I question him without understanding

" The mosquito, my saviour, she's the only one who can convince you," he reacts

"That's not true, but she was able to talk to me properly," I reply

" I could have done it if someone wasn't busy disfiguring me" he replies defensively

Aouche! He scored one point, Riaz 0 and Zafir 1.

"My love honey, do you want me to apply some ointment to you?" I said ironically

He seemed to be disgusted by his new nickname, but I liked it.

" I'd rather have you beat me than be gentle with me," he said in disgust.

"Don't lie, I know that if I had been a girl, you would have preferred me to Amina"

"What a horror! Never, I would have much preferred to marry your cousin, the one who tries to coax me with her undercooked cakes" he said

I burst out laughing, I still remembered the gastro we had to deal with.

"Who else could it be? So I can tell Amina so that you can get turned on," I replied.

"You wouldn't dare! And then if I tell you the other person, even as a joke, you risk blowing my skull in two," he said seriously.

His remark aroused my curiosity, who is this other person he would have married if Amina had not existed?

"Tell me, I promise I won't do anything"
He raised his eyebrows before running to his room and stopping in front of his door, he smirked.

"AZraaaa!!!" he shouted provocatively

Before I could catch him, he locked the door to his room.

"Don't even try!" I'm threatening him.

"I was joking" he said,laughing from his room

I walk away from his room towards mine, I lie down on my bed, imagining Azra with Zafir as a married couple.

"Zafir, don't drop the ice cream shouted the angry mosquito"
"Of course not my Love" he exclaimed meekly
"She smiled at him and he was about to kiss her"

Where upon I opened my eyes and angrily threw my pillow, no doubt I would have killed Zafir if she had dared to approach the mosquito.

"I'm not your big brother, Azra, I'll never be," I told her, feeling my blood boil.

She seemed to be drunk by answer, she was in deep thought, my attention was drawn to the tip of her lips that she was nibbling

What are you... For me...? Did she finally manage to whisper to me"

I didn't know what to answer, her question took me by surprise, I hurried away not giving her an answer.

Someone important sighed my mind
I smiled at the thought and eventually fell asleep. 

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