Chapter 13

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Pov Azra

Nights I cried myself to sleep, I had managed to avoid Riaz wholeheartedly. He had never been mine again but now it was definitive, he belonged to Rania.

" How do I look?" My best friend asks me

I looked at her with a smile, she was beautiful in her mehendi clothes, I had simply opted for a green kurtis, I had also applied myself to hide my dark circles.

"You are beautiful Amina, if Zafir could only see you," I said.

She pouted, Zafir was not there, this party was exclusively for Amina, she had tried to convince her parents but they were firm, they would not see each other until the big day, the wedding.

Mrs Siddiqui entered the room, dazzled by her daughter's beauty, she recited the 3 Quls and then we went out into the garden, where the event was being held.

The women had gathered to get some Mehendi applied while the men stayed away.

I went to get a juice, leaving Amina with her designer Henna. While I drank, I was happy to see Amina smiling so much, she deserved it, I put my cup back.

" Ouch!" exclaimed a tiny voice at my feet.

I looked, a tiny boy had fallen to the ground. I knelt down and held out my hand to help him but he ignored me and got up without my help.

" I don't need your help, I'm a big boy," he cried angrily.

I looked at him with amusement, being on my knees, I was at his height.

" That's true, buddy, but you could have accepted my help, "he said with a smile

He looked at me with a frown, I held back my laughter, he couldn't have been more than eight years old.

"I'm not your buddy, I'm Idriss, and I don't accept help from strangers, they're mean. "He says to me

"Really? Little one, You seem to know life well, at your age!" I say to him amused

" I AM NOT A LITTLE ONE, anyway you old people don't understand, you're stubborn "he says shouting making me laugh

Exasperated by my reaction, he sighed and ran away.

" Wait, I wasn't making fun of you, my name is Azraaaa" I said to him but too late, he was already far away

He was cute, I wondered from whom he had inherited his character trait.

" I'm sorry, sometimes he's a bit rude," a girl apologized.

I turned to her and asked her with my eyes, she pointed at Idriss.

" It's okay, you're little brother?

She nodded, they looked alike at the same time. Bravo sherlock! exclaimed my mind, I rolled my eyes, Ya rabb, why am I like this with myself?

"I like this party, I have to have my own soon," the girl next to me whispered.

" Stressed ? "I questioned her

" Very, how do you know? "she asks me

I laughed, I had just spent my free time with Amina preparing her wedding, she was so stressed

I laughed, I had just spent my free time with Amina preparing for her wedding, she was so stressed that I felt like I was the one getting married.

"So, I'm the bride's best friend, don't worry too much, the wedding is important but so is enjoying it, it's a once in a lifetime thing," I told her.

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